TPTSB are showing the playbook right now in Sri Lanka and Netherlands.

I've done some tax returns for farmers before.

For alot of these folks, it's not going to take much to bankrupt them and buy the land.

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It's for the greater good.......

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It’s helpful for me to realize all of the social/cultural moves on the chessboard are instrumentalized; they are implemented for the outcome or the effect, not because they are real or valid. I believe that the elites see us as basically livestock, to be milked, fleeced, or butchered as necessary. They view the management of humanity as essentially the management of a large herd of unimportant animals. Too many cows on the pasture? Cull the herd. A new breed that will work harder for less capital? Replace the herd. Need some extra milk production? Increase the artificial hormones. Need a bigger quarterly profit? Fleece the sheep a little early. Need the meat more tender? Confine the calves to cages. Too many calves or lambs? Butcher them for market. A few million pigs get infected with disease? You just have to euthanize them and dispose the remains. Too many stray cats and dogs? Spay and neuter as many as you can. Unrest in the kennels? Put some extra pharma in the feeding bowls. I know it is hard for us empathetic human beings to understand how TPTB can think this way, but it is as easy as you or I brushing off global poverty of child mortality, or the animal industry practices I mentioned. I believe that this understanding has more explanatory power than most other ‘narratives’ of the day. Mostly, the last decades have been about fleecing. Looks like we may be moving towards butchering and culling.

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I believe this is spot-on and well -articulated, unfortunately. It's exactly how they view humanity.

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It's amazing how many bad consequences grew from the Interstate Highway Act. Once it became profitable to ship produce from far, far away, the doom of local farms began. I myself can survive quite well without strawberries in January.

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I Couldn't agree more. The woke foot soldiers (useful idiots) always end up eating their own eventually.

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i cant even begin to get in the heads of the woke, its like talking aliens or an octopus, you can see the lights are on but explaining anything is just a waste of time

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Lol 🤣. An octopus...😂

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Woke Utopia looks like the third panel of Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch. For the rest of us, it looks like hell.

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Utopia is only achieved if every single person on the earth is exactly the same and is absolutely perfect in every way (morally, etc). Or, according to Klaus Schwab while talking about Ze 4th industrial revolution: "we change you when you take the gene therapy" (paraphrased, but just a bit)

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Sometimes there's just too much analysis. And too much of a moral shading ("fundamental evil").

Everything in life, for all living forms, is power. How to get it, what to use it for, with whom to share it and whom to prevent from getting any.

Survival requires selfishness. That can be sensible, or evil, depending on the degree. I must feed my children before yours, but if there's enough to keep all of us alive, it's good for me to share. If there isn't, what right have I to betray those to whom I owe primary responsibility?

And that "fundamental evil" thingy? Anyone who has children has observed a natural altruism evident in even the youngest. There are always outliers, of course; psychopaths and sociopaths are sometimes created out of the destruction of a developing child, but sometimes, too, unfortunately, as a natural occurrence (though I'd want to examine the pre-conception and gestational influences on that kid).

I think conversations with imaginary constructs don't really further anything though they're a handy way of having the last word. People (on every side of every issue) do this to prove how awful the other guys are, but I find it just a wee bit too easy. Cheating at cards.

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Just because we prioritize our own children doesn’t mean that we have to do so at the expense of others; but when people consciously try to not only improve their own lives, but subjugate or exterminate their competitors, yes, that is evil. And it is altogether too common a habit among human beings. And enabling, aiding, and abetting such behavior is also evil. I find your relativism, sophistry, and, hypothetical circumstances equally abstract if not detached from reality.

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I play hockey. I'm a goalie. A huge part of my game is visualization. Playing the game in my mind, seeing possible shots and plays, even if I'm nowhere near a rink, are a powerful tool in my kit. Is that exactly how the game's going to play out? Probably not. It's a construct of what I think might happen based on my previous experience.

It's the same for me as I digest the world around me. This is how I work through complex issues. It's served me well over the course of my life, advanced me, helped me be successful, kind, joyful, and a host of other things. I believe this serves me and the world around me very well in tangible ways.

You and I can go back and forth all day on morality, good, evil, etc., as we have in the past. Often, it's been constructive. Other times, all I can say is that we're at an impasse. It's clear (to me) that there is a fundamental bent and rot in our civilization, and the evidence is as old as time. I'm an optimist, and I see the massive good and brilliance of humanity. But humanity is a two sided coin. Whether we came from a single-celled organism and limped ourselves to 2022, whether there's a divine plan, whether we were dropped here and are being groomed by aliens, whether we're in a simulation, or some other possibility, we can debate for the rest of our lives without either of us being 100% sure. You're incredibly brilliant, well-read, and great at debate, and I love it. But I don't see how you can convince me that good and evil aren't more real than humanity itself and don't drive every single human motivator, decision and system. And you don't have to.

I respect your thoughts, I believe you respect mine, and I appreciate you offering me alternatives to challenge my thinking.

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I got a Canucks keychain! (Free bonus for renewing The Hockey News, issues of which fill many cartons, 'cause my [now-grown] kid is a hockey fan.) Hockey's one of the few sports I enjoy because I can fully understand the game (though the "penalty box" always has me in hysterics, laughing...).

My feeling about good and evil is that The Creator, whom for convenience we may call God, doesn't require an Adversary and the entire concept of a fallen angel is a metaphor of terrible beauty but, I think, untrue. Angels as beings of light are for me an excellent way of describing, perhaps, actions of natural law which are too complicated for me to get my own head around.

Evil is a failure rather than an active motive, I think. Probably fiction has so over-glamorized it that many people cannot see the dreadful shabbiness at its core. I've avoided so far flogging any of my own work in commenting on Substacks, but will transgress here: I wrote a story about a sociopath, and I was so in love with my character, his own terrible compelling nature, that I felt it necessary to diminish and kill him in a sequel. It would have been wrong, I think, to have left him to stand in his black glory though he is my absolute favorite character.

I enjoy your essays very much and I'm really glad that you find my responses interesting and meaningful.

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PS: He's not a Canucks fan. I just loved the logo. I think the logo of his favorite team is ugly...

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I actually caught a Canucks game back at GMC arena (or whatever it was called then) in the late 90s. I loved Vancouver and hope to get back there someday.

Thanks again for the dialogue. Still enjoying your stories too.

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I didn't think you read them...

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I do. I need to engage with them more, but I try to read every one. Sometimes it's catching up in bulk, other times it's as they come out.

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Well, BHerr is clearly a bigot! 😋🙃😂


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