Excellent!! article! Yes, we are in the fight of our lives and it is not only Ukraine that is fighting a war!!

Please consider the "Autophagy DIet" (Mercola) which is anti-cancer, anti-aging, slimming:

1) Intermittent fasting of 14-16 hours per day (don't eat within 3 hours of going to bed). This allows the liver to process the toxins in your body (including spike proteins!!! from the jabs) and convert them into urine

2) Sweat at least 3 times a week. Preferably with exercise, but even a sauna is good. This allows the body to remove toxins that the liver has trouble with (and stored in the fat under the skin) and which the body stores "water-weight" to help detoxify

3) Substitute healthy (and yummy!!) fats for high protein food. I.e. cold water fish (sardines, herring, mackerel, salmon, cod, halibut, etc), avocados, nuts and seeds (pumpkin, walnut, almond, cashew, sunflower, etc.), coconut oil. You don't need much beef and especially any milk or dairy if you are getting lots of those healthy foods! It is fine to take some beef once every couple of weeks, particularly totally grass fed (rich in iron and absorbable B12), but the calcium in dairy is not really absorbable and even the natural hormones in milk are not healthy at all

4) Increase water consumption to at least 600 ml (3 X 8 oz glasses) per day (you can include lemon or lime and you can drink this when you are not eating). This improves the immune system, helps detoxify the body and is essential for any healthy life

In addition, consider eating some fruit BEFORE your meal to encourage the body to generate bile and digestive enzymes. Also, reserve the protein for the end of the meal.

Finally, you need at least 3000 iu of vitamin D in oil (as much as 10,000 iu for a couple of weeks if you are deficient) unless you have direct tropical sunlight at least 30 minutes a day (no more than 60 minutes) and 25 mg of zinc (ascorbate, glycinate, gluconate, or citrate) to improve your immune system.

Our immune system can kill cancer kills if we help it!!

Also, PRAY for help from God!!

Ian in Vancouver

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Hey Ian! Thanks for this. It's funny. I primarily stick to the carnivore diet, which is kind of the exact opposite of what you propose here. I've never felt better and feel like my body is more efficient with its food and processing than ever before.

I also feel like my immune systems is as healthy as it's ever been. Everyone around me has had Covid, the flu, the runs, you name it, and pretty much since 2018, the only thing I've dealt with is diverticulosis, which was why I changed my diet anyway. I've been taking the FLCCC regimen (zinc, B, C, D, etc.) since 2020.

Thoughts on Carnivore?

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Good feedback! The problem with the average North-American diet is WAY TOO MUCH sugar and grains (especially corn). Those are TERRIBLE for you! The carnivore diet is of course MUCH lower in sugar and therefore, it is a BIG improvement. The healthy fats in grass fed beef are not that bad either. Of course, you can be a carnivore and eat mostly wild fish (which is much healthier than the factory-fed chicken and corn fed beef). If it will make you feel better, I eat one or two truly grass fed sirloin steaks every month (from New Zealand), with lots of pepper and onions to help digestion. The Vitamin B12 and Iron in grass fed beef are probably the most available possible. Just don't need all that protein in my diet. Also, I prefer Yams to potatoes these days. Much lower glycemic index (one other advantage of both the carnivore diet and the AUtophagy diet)!!

Since I went "fruit first" 20 years ago, I haven't had a SINGLE upset stomach and I haven't had a SINGLE sick day. I am 61 years old and I feel 30. Of course, moderation is important and the intermittent fasting and sweating REALLY makes a big difference WHATEVER diet you stick to. Plus of course, I exercise EVERY DAY. Why not??

Keep up the great work and POSTING!!!

Ian in Vancouver

P.S. What is your first name??

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Fasting and sweating really are great and vital.

Thanks for the encouragement!

First name is Brian.

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The school violence atmosphere is horrifying. I have a hard time relating to how they even begin to process the “active shooter” drills and constant fighting.

My hope is people will awaken to their own power and bring kindness mindfulness and growth to their daily routines… or atleast to their childrens lives.

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As someone who is really involved in understanding emotional needs, the need for security is going to be something that defines this generation.


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so agree… will be rabbit holing lunchtimeinrome for the next few days!! (thanks universe!🔮)✌🏻

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Awesome! I think we're on episode 147. My wife was recently a guest and she talks open and honestly about her crippling migraines, ADHD, and the sudden loss of her mother. It's a fantastic conversation that I think will benefit a lot of people.

You can find that here:


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I agree wholeheartedly that there is a different kind of fury (madness) in interpersonal relations. My brother just left his teaching job in Philly due to the physical violence (yes, the kids were striking not just each other, but him!)

IMHO the masks, depersonalizing other people and the constant feed of fear and anxiety, are the principal causes.

In any event, I also agree with you that the #ballotbox #JuryBox ... etc are the tools little people have to regain some control over the dystopia. https://captainmanimalagonusnret.substack.com/p/little-people-tools?s=w

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"A different kind of fury (madness)".

Yes. More malevolent than ever in my lifetime. More confused, misplaced, irrational. I think it's been a very sophisticated concert of depersonalization, desensitization (movies, video games), and a general drift from what it means to be empathetic towards each other. It's been intentionally done by our puppet masters through the media, through our politics, and specifically through this "pandemic".

In our school, even the programs that have been put in place to help the kids who probably should be kicked out have come under attack by the very kids they're trying to help. The people trying to advocate and rehab the kids have been threatened and even beaten up.

There use to be at least a modicum of respect between kids and authority, but I really believe with social media, comment sections, etc., the playing field between adult and kid has been completely broken down. Everyone is kind of just at the same level, or so it appears to a lot of people. And that's a big factor in the loss of control.

Voting is still a big tool in the tool box, but we need more than that. We need normal people to make a difference today. And tomorrow. etc.

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This has been a tremendous wake-up call for me. I love the article; it wasn't complaining; it was explaining. I also really appreciate you listing things each of us can start doing immediately. As far as getting involved at the local level, creating a coffee group or something similar for Accountability seems like a good idea. I started getting involved with a group behind the CHESA BOUDIN recall. The problem is I didn't follow through, and I left the hard work to others. This is not a sprint; it’s going to take the rest of our life to turn back the tide. I want to find a group of like-minded individuals that meet regularly for accountability. This is all very new to me, getting involved at the grassroots level. Although I have consistently voted, I kept this level of work Bherr talks about inside my household. Living in San Francisco, having an opinion is easy as long as it was just like everyone else, on the far left. Moving forward, I no longer care about angering anyone. I can't stand by any longer and watch this great country of ours continue down its current path.

If anyone lives in SF and wants to meet up 3-4 times a quarter, drop me a line.

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Thank you Charles. What an awesome opportunity you have, living in San Fran, to make a difference. I hope someone here connects with you.

I've heard it said that courage is like a muscle. It grows when you use it. I want to encourage you to take courage, because it goes without saying (but I'll say it), you live in probably ground zero for the exact opposite of sanity, and when you stick your head above the sand bags, you're going to be meet with withering enemy fire.

But I hope you hold the line. I love San Fran. It used to be so beautiful. I love Cali in general. I know it might seem like a lost battle, but as you say, it's going to take the rest of our lives, and I hope and pray you, and like minds, can organize and take that city and state back. You ARE a front line soldier, and this IS a real battle.

Take courage, and count your costs, because this will cost.



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Thanks for the message. On another note, my nine year old twin boys are taking the online college course with me that Hillsdale College offers. I think it’s titled something like THE RISE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE.

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That's great to be doing something like that with your kids. It's good for you, but it's even better for them to see their dad come along side of them. You are the biggest personality in their life, and they're very much watching your every move. To see YOU continuing to educate yourself and question and learn is an amazing example for them!

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It's called Restorative Justice, but no one has to apologize or make the original sin right. IT is part and parcel of the Social Justice/SEL/Etc. learning implemented by DC. Dept of Ed at federal level MUST BE ABOLISHED>

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I’ve witnessed school board members talk about this. It seemed batshit crazy to me. Do you know the genesis for these ideas, please?

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Straight from the DC Dept of Ed...all gotten from various peoples submitting their social justice agendas....I can't remember Social Justice, but there are govt financed state Restorative Justice organizations, that come in and give seminars to the teachers..but the command to use the Social Justice curriculum comes from the top. All the way from DC through the State Depts of Ed..down to superintendents and schools.

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well written and to the point. One can only hope that this message travels far and wide.

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Thank you! Please share it far and wide then, if I can humbly ask you to do that.

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I have already done so.

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Thank you!

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Oh, that is so upsetting to see fights like that on video. Brought tears to my eyes. I hope you can find your way through with your son where he maintains his great relationships and love of drama. Perhaps a homeschool is in his future, with focus on drama. Are there parents in your area creating homeschools?

Yes, we are on our own, society is breaking down. It has been for a couple decades, but just hadn't reached a majority of people yet. That is a good advice to stock up, and get involved. It will be up to us to build what we want where we are, and not look to others to do it for us.

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