“Human flesh puppets, being used by darkness to bring chaos and destruction...” Well said! Too many of our so-called “leaders” - both here and around the world - appear to me to be just empty sacks of skin with demons animating their bodies. It reminds me of the silly movie Men in Black, when the alien bug donned an “Edgar suit” as a disguise, animating the lifeless body of the human it had just killed.

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The "Edgar Suit". I love it. I know exactly what you're talking about, and that's going to be the image for the 3rd post in this series.

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You mention 'cheating' on taxes. Did you know that there is no law that states we are required to pay income tax? The Constitution clearly states that capital gains tax on corporations is constitutional but not on the income from labor of an individual. Yet we are forced under threat of prison if we do not comply. If the govt required you to give 100% of your earned labor, it would be called slavery. What % can be stolen - forced from your earnings- and not be considered slavery? The answer is none - any amount of forced labor is slavery. You can't cheat corruption and slave owners.

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