Here's my problem with this. Here is the bulleted list with which you begin the essay:

Mask vs. no mask

Vaccine or no vaccine

Go outside or stay in the house

What’s a valid protest?

How far is proper social distancing?

Is “whiteness” the downfall of mankind?

Amen and Awomen

How many people can legally gather in a private home for a Christmas party?


Fox or MSNBC

There is no "middle ground," no "50-yard line," for 95% of these. (I don't give a shit what network news channel you watch.

I feel not even slightly inclined to give ground on ANY of the items on that list. There is no logical reason to do so, and they are intrusions upon me, if not outright attacks upon me.

I am not even remotely interested in compromise on any of these points. I will not consent to any COVID theatre bullshit, I will not apologize for any aspect of my race, I will not concede the objective truths of mathematics or anything else. There are no 50-yard lines to any of these things.

Am I one of these bad guys that's part of the problem? Help me understand how the top half of the essay lines up with your calls for appeasement and compromise and unity.

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First, thank you for the honesty. I'm a fan of yours and have been following your comments for months, even before I got active and engaged on Substack.

Second, and to the point, I'm with you on everything you said on a personal level. I'm not an appeaser. I'm not someone who compromises on truth. The list I rattled off was some of the more insane things that were low hanging fruit that have been lesser - but real - battle grounds over the past several years.

We fight these battles in our own way, uncompromising in our beliefs. I refuse to mask, refuse the vaccine, believe in biological men and women, won't touch MSM, etc. And I strongly encourage others to agree with me in those beliefs and points of view because I believe I'm right, haha. And I will continue to fight these battles on a personal level, not ceding ground, day by day.

But I'm not going to any longer get hung up on those important, but lesser battles. Here's why...

We're very much in the Endgame. The Last Battle. I think many of us are now indelibly aware of this. Masks, vaccines, "wokeness", the media, climate change...it all been about total control and domination of humanity. It's been about the demoralizing, division and eventual reorganization of the gen pop. It's been the turning up of the noise and chaos to well past 11 so that the masses are shell-shocked, terrified, angry, and looking for both a savior and a scapegoat.

I think we both know we're in the scapegoat category, and I think we also both know that the "savior" is the globalist agenda.

Transhumanism terrifies me. Digital IDs terrify me. These people, these machines, this Borg, is real, and it's coming for you, me, and everyone on the planet. That's the future, unless we stand right now. I'm going to write a series that further unpacks this, but I know you've been paying attention and see this too.

The Endgame is nothing short of a fundamental transformation of the human race, for a very long time, most likely permanently. The very identity of what it means to be human, to be alive, is on the verge of drastic, indelible change. It's a change I'm going to push back on with everything in me.

I have 2 kids under 15. They will NOT be digital slaves, and they will NOT be societal outcasts. They WILL own things, and they will be happier because they're free, unaltered, unleashed pure blood human beings. And also, I'd like to live out the rest of my days similar to my previous 44 years, haha.

When I say meet me somewhere between the 20s, I'm saying we need to have a big tent. We need to be a people who are willing to make the main thing the main thing, and again the main thing is that we become a firewall that breaks this global, one world, digital gulag before it fully gains legs.

Right now is our chance. We cannot let one more city implement "vaccine passports." We cannot let one more petty tyrant impose curfew, give one more school board Karen the power to mask kids, etc. These are the battles that we must fight, and continue to fight, right now, today.

We also need to continue to go into the mines and dig out as much Truth as possible. Kitties such as Gato, people like Alex B, McCullogh, etc, have been doing just that. The more truth is widely distributed and clearly and consistently communicated, the better. There are a lot of dots to connect, and we need as many people connecting them as possible who are willing to then clearly shout them from the rooftops.

This effort to beat back the Endgame is going to take the a massive effort. So please understand, my eye is on that big picture. My personal convictions might be different from yours on many things. That's ok. We can disagree vehemently. However, if your eyes also see that Endgame, and your goal is to help me fight against that, then let's focus on THAT common goal, and the lesser battles, we can hash out after we've won, or agree to disagree, because that's what free people are allowed to do if they chose.

Does that clarify my call a little better? I really appreciate you asking that.

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It clarifies it hugely, and honestly, I suspected a completely reasonable explanation was forthcoming.

As someone who wastes a lot of her free time thinking about strategy and power purely for their own sakes, I can't find fault- whether I take my own views out of the equation or not- with anything you've just said. There is a much bigger, existential picture, and much like an invasion by killer space aliens, to survive, the human race would need to come together around killing Martians and not waste a single minute arguing about abortion.

Ah, but. You had to know there would be a but.

But we're UTTERLY SHITTY at doing this and history is littered with examples. It required substantial ideological similarity to get Allied powers to align against one of the most explicitly evil entities in centuries, and even then, cynical powerbrokering abounded. We could just BARELY point ourselves all in the same direction long enough to shoot Nazis.

Now we don't even agree on what makes a Nazi.

Furthermore, it isn't so simple to separate "here's the big threat that hurts us all that we all need to come together on" from a dozen or so "big issues" (an utterly subjective term) that are, to their respective adherents, existential issues too.

People are amazingly hypocritical, inconsistent, and confused about their deeply-held beliefs. It doesn't stop them for one second from being deeply-held.

COVID biofascism- and whatever other global totalitarian goals it represents the vanguard of (I don't claim any confidence in guessing the exact nature but your definitions above are pretty well-aligned with my hypotheses) is TIED UP in many of these beliefs.

That "middle 40%" we keep hearing about that aren't so bad? I honestly beg to differ. I think they're actually the WORST of the equation because they're loyal to whichever way the wind blows, and are "selfish" in all the ways the covidians have called skeptics selfish.

The other 30%, those guys on the other side that hate us with a passion, they at least have passion. They believe in something. It means they can feel hugely betrayed by the people that led them in that direction and believe something wholly different with equal passion because it saved them from the agonizing pain of having been betrayed and having nothing to believe in.

In other contexts, I know exactly where they're coming from. I wasn't born with a red pill in my mouth, and the pill itself wasn't bitter, it was the stale, chewed-up gack sitting on my palate since adolescence that had started to rot.

There are reasons why the 30% AND the 40% should fear the Endgame, and reasons why both are inclined to submit to and fight for it.

That, as I see it, is the problem here. The people on this side of the table are wholly incompatible with a globalist totalitarian agenda, and everyone else is at least partly compatible with it. We then have stupid infiighting amongst ourselves, about the sorts of things you listed. (So do they- and GOD do they- but they're not on the defensive.)

So again, I say, what grounds for unity do we have? My Mars Attacks scenario fits this reasoning better than a global fascist state.

That's why there's a persistently nagging part of my mind that has only grown louder since Malone popularized discussing concepts like mass formation: what if this relentless focus on swaying the middle is completely misguided as the easy path? What if they're profligate and will always follow the dominant power- which would make gaining social dominance the real goal? What if the only actual way to win the Big Picture fight is to really help people understand that they're under existential threat, and that a harsh, one-world government isn't nearly the socialist paradise they imagine?

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Hey Guttermouth. Sorry it took a while to get back to you on this, but after this discussion, I felt the need to write a few articles that further clarified what we're talking about. I'd love for you to review them and give me your two cents.



Thank you!

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Hey, author. I've been going through a long- running, slow- motion family tragedy and lost this thread in the weeds. I found it while working through backlog this evening and will be reading the suggested posts. I will certainly be giving them the consideration they are due.

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I appreciate the response, especially in light of your family situation. I'm sorry for whatever is happening there, those take a toll.

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I believe that something like 30% of the population was in favor of the American Revolution. 30% was in favor of remaining under the king of England, and 40% I guess were ambivalent. I believe I have read that most/all revolutions involve percentages that are close to this split.

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Awesome and amazing! I agree with EVERYTHING you have said! Scary maybe but still refreshing for me to see someone who truly understands what we are facing.

I have 6 adult children and I am 61 years old. At least 5 of them are jabbed with those experimental, dangerous and horribly profitable (to the makers) m-RNA and spike protein injections. I have 6 grandchildren as well. At least one of them is scheduled for her first "injection" with those poisons. My adult children ALL are convinced (more or less) that I am crazy because I believe that we are in a war for our (at least) spiritual survival. Most of the people that I speak know something is wrong but cannot believe that it is that dangerous. They have not taken the Red Pill yet.

I have said that ALL that I can to my children. Any more information or discussion will further harden their determination to do the opposite of what they might know in their hearts, should be done. The only thing I can do for them is to pray (and I do - every day). I am trying to help others to prepare. We have a big protest in our city (Vancouver) tomorrow and I will be there. I agree with you that the battle and the war will be long and arduous but we MUST fight it for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Live Free or Die. I wish New Hampshire (and the rest of the US) lived that way!


Ian in Vancouver

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I will not compromise on any of those things either. The division in this country isn't Red/Blue, Liberal/Conservative, White/Black or any other such hogwash. It is authoritarian/libertarian, lower-case. I am a libertarian, who was inspired in 1960 by JFK to become a liberal Democrat; I was inspired by Nancy Pelosi in 2009 to become a liberal independent. I have never been a Republican. Progressives accuse me of being a Trump Troll, hilarious. I've been dismissed from many internet fora, where I was defending due process for Trump. He got none.

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I used to think ‘if only my side won’ (politically) everything would ‘get better,’ but it doesn’t. You know why? Because it’s US against huge corporations and billionaires. Not US vs Them (politically), both sides in politics are the same

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It's the reality of false choice. Pepsi vs Coke. Elephant vs donkey. Whatever, they've been really good at setting up straw men for us to rag on while they worked like fiends behind the scenes to build the machinery to dominate the world and change the face of humanity.

After watching this video on who owns the world, it's never been clearer to me that the only choice we have is to choose to find each other, to meet in the middle, to banish the petty, meaningless differences we've had up until now into the garbage can, and focus on the fact that we're now in an endgame.

If the industrial complex wins, if the cockroaches win, if the false prophets win, humanity will not be recognizable as we know, love, and desire it to be. I will spend my last breath preventing that.


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And not that I care if people are billionaires, good on them. It’s the big money people that can’t make their money and Leave US alone who I’m talking about.

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100% with you. If your happiness is making billions, go forth and prosper. Don't be a dick doing it either.

What we're dealing with are the legit Bond villains. The melomaniac demagogues who feel they are a different class, a different race, more evolved, that can make the world into their own image, and damn the torpedoes. It's not about money. It's about a dogmatic, religious conviction that their ideology is godlike. They are the conquistadors, and we are the vanquished.

Let's turn that script around...

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"If your happiness is making billions, go forth and prosper. Don't be a dick doing it either." - It doesn't make sense. Ordinary people are not in a position to go "make billions." Those who make billions also cannot be "not dicks" because they exploit nature and animals, pollute the environment, steal natural resources, bribe dirty governments in order to legalize their crimes, etc.

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At first I was indignant about this comment of yours. But as I reflected on it overnight, I came to realize that you're probably much closer to the truth than I want to admit. I want to believe that people can work really hard and make a lot of money and do good things with it. There are so many people with lots of money that have worked hard, built good organizations, and done so much to advance the human race.

However, your comment challenged me. To get to the upper stratospheres of life, I think you DO have to make a lot of back door deals with the devil, to tread on those that are vulnerable. I'm sure there still are good people that accomplish a lot, spread a lot of charity and empowerment, and do things the right way. But yeah, to get to that rare air, it would seem you have to almost be a psychopath.

Thanks for challenging my thought.

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It’s the biggest environmental rapists who want to tell us normal people (who pick up a gum wrapper if we drop it and don’t have a private jet) how to live our lives.

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Lol, exactly. If you're in Oregon, like your name implies, then my goodness, you have to be inundated with their disciples who .lecture you about your carbon footprint while scrolling through their iPhone and drinking Starbucks.

Again, nothing against iPhone or Starbucks, but the hypocrisy and self-righteousness of the masses makes me see red. I'm with you.

And again, going back to that Monopoly video I referenced, it's amazing to see the pyramid of who owns what, and that the biggest environmental groups are also owned by the same people who own the biggest agricultural companies, oil companies, etc.

The only thing the environmental movement wants to do, truly at the top, is create more Covid-like hysteria so that they can implement more of their infrastructure that ultimately they need to control every aspect of our lives. That's the bottom line truth.

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It is not being a billionaire of course it is what you do with the money and how you got it in the first place. A lot is done by fraud and deceit and trampling on others.

When then get their billions they then dispense some of it to make themselves look good in the eyes of the masses. They have their reward.

But even people with much smaller amounts do the same. I must look at myself first.

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It's all those glow-ball-lists and their glowing balls (mmm...) that they chuck at us to distract us!


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I agree 100%. How do we connect with you?

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Hey @Veteran! For now, subscribing here is the first step. I'm building out other things where we can better connect, but for now, I'd say this is the best way to dialogue. I'm still getting used to this platform, but I THINK you can also email me at bherr@substack.com

Can you try to shoot me an email? I'd like to know more of your story.

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💫💫🔥🔥👏👏👏💖💖. Count me in!!

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Thanks Kellianne! We've got a long road ahead, but it's a road we need to walk.

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Very passionate peace. I enjoyed reading it. Definitely coming from a place of love. And yes, THEY are watching us tearing each other apart over these things. But I also get Guttermouth's response. There's no 50 yard line to meet up for a chat on these issues. However, I believe there are kinder ways to show the other side that they are helping (to the least) to oppress the other than rooting for their extinction. Let's definitely work on that.

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I really love this. Beautifully written. I'm in.

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Thanks Amy. I'm still working out what it means, but I know all the old games and political skirmishes have to take a back seat to fight the truly demonic and evil things that lie ahead.

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In the past we used to have universal principals to uphold. I've been a liberal most of my life, but to be honest, I didn't know anything about conservatism, religion, or anything else for that matter.

But despite that, I did believe in principles of liberty, bodily autonomy, free speech, right to representation -- the basics, right? Of what America stood for.

Despite thinking I was firmly on the liberal side, I started questioning things over the years; things that just didn't sit right with me. Like the gender confusion was the first thing. Then next it was seeing a kid harassing a group of peaceful trump supporters (I'm in San Francisco). And then it was the media response to Jan 6 and trying to turn ordinary Americans into terrorists. Then it was watching Parler chased off the internet. It was all so clearly against the values I thought we stood for. Seeing people seeming to casually throw out free speech, and demonize people calling for it was quite a shock.

But it was also years of liberals screaming, "This is not up for debate!" And closing off topics even to discuss. And changing the definitions of words. Claiming terms like "free speech" are just dog whistles for hate speech.

But then also the decades of promoting the idea of "the future." The phrase, "You don't want to be on the wrong side of history." -- the assumption that you know the future??

They've been shaping this for such a long time. Molding our attitudes with our TV shows. And even making documentaries -- I can't recall any in particular right now -- but you know, the kinds of pop culture analysis documentaries, that will have cool people talking about how, "everybody was so lame and repressed back then, but then we did the edgy thing and we were the first ones to do it. The church groups were shocked, but we were so cool, and now the whole world is doing it! Aren't we so frickin' cool and these Jesus people so lame?" -- not an exact quote, but not only did they simply present us the edgy things, they then made more programs explicitly telling us how to feel about it, in case we didn't get the message about how cool abortions are.

Decades of programming is a lot to unpack.

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You're right, and I hope you can unpack them. You said so many good things here, and I'm so glad your eyes have been opened. So much credit to you for following your intuition, for allowing the possibility of a different reality to challenge and redirect you. Especially the concept of Christ. I always encourage people to read "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel, because it paints a very clear line about what to do with Jesus.

"The wrong side of history" is such a straw man argument. It claims a moral authority that is supposed as the correct one. We seen a thousand wrecks of what at one point seems to be, in the moment, the right thing, only to look back and realize it was terribly wrong.

Evil has always been really good at changing the language and making white look black and vice versa. What we see today is just another version of the way the enemy has always changed the culture.


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Spot on. I have observed similar. I was able to reference it to the Covid fear.


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We can do it!!

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The world tried to negotiate/ appease Hitler.

Do I need to elaborate on that part of history?

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