I now live in a very blue community in a red state, and in 2016 I voted affirmatively for "none of the above" and skipped 2020 and am registered as "unaffiliated," and as someone following zero religious dogmas nor political imperatives, I been one of only two letter writers published in our regional newspaper who've expressed absolute opposition to vaccine mandates and have declared ourselves un-Plague-vaxxed for the duration of life on earth.

And these folks, having gotten that fatal taste for blood and really enjoying their "Build a Better Genocide" theme park up here, ain't gonna give up anytime soon. I never thought the degreed crowd was some sort of superior types or nothin' and I generally represent the Peasants Rebellion wherever I happen to be, but I didn't expect quite this level of idiocy. But see? Naivete doesn't wear off despite age and experience.

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They asked for my Vax card if I wanted to continue coaching hockey while making it mandatory for our kids (still do today) to wear masks while playing ice hockey and while going to school. I will never forget.

I pulled them out of hockey, and my boys get told 20 times a day to put their bandanas back up over their noses.

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While they are playing????

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Oh yeah, even soccer this fall, they made them wear masks outside. Parents were not too happy with me since my kids didn't wear them. The rinks were a different story. Every employee at the rink, young or old, played full time mask Nazi.

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Let's see......famine is on deck. Cyber pandemic was simulated by the WEF - Gates and the rest, a few months back. Possibly a hemorrhagic fever type virus? The digital ID, I heard, have been passed in 20 or so states. Was your question rhetorical? Wish we could all just live and relax 💞

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I'm prepared. I put a tracking device on Bill Gates just in case. Black Sheep has also promised me that if he removes it, they will notify me once they see him at another one of their shows.



I ran into Bill Gates at a Black Sheep show in Park City 5 or 6 years ago. He is the epitome of a nerd, and contrary to the article, he cannot dance to save his life. He is about the most awkward person I have ever met in my entire life.

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Excellent! Great work😊😅

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I live in Tennessee, where there are no government mask mandates. I carry a mask with me because private homes and commercial establishments have the right to set a dress code. No shirt, no shoes, no service. Nothing different about No mask, no service.

Although, I find myself laughing at the church we attend. We all wear masks outdoors, and as soon as we're inside we take them off. It is almost impossible to catch a respiratory virus outdoors. Not so, indoors. And, with my terminal COPD, I do a lot of coughing. I find it a minor inconvenience to keep from worrying others.

I remain concerned that the authoritarians who lock up people for going outside in the sun don't require felons to post bail. Perhaps the San Francisco recall elections will wake people up. The Virginia elections and the near-miss in New Jersey didn't do it.

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Just say NO. Drop out. Withdraw consent. Minimum contact. The madness will not pass. The fever has to burn out.

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