I believed it at first. Got laid off for two months but my husband was working from home and financially we were fine. Elective surgeries were cancelled for the surge that never came. I do anesthesia. I was reading a lot of research coming out of other countries, I remember reading papers out of South Korea where they were treating with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. One day when trump mentioned ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as potential treatments for Covid, everything just went bat 💩 crazy. I’ve never seen anything like that before. Who on earth would take a politicians healthcare advice seriously? I had no idea what that was all about, but soon would.

I’ve gotten tons of vaccines and would’ve never thought anything of this one until the social media giants got involved and started saying they would ‘censor’ any misinformation. That made my antenna shoot up. If there’s anyone who I know doesn’t give a 💩 about me, it’s Zuckerberg and Dorsey. So I started doing research and found out more about these vaccines and made a decision that it was not for me.

Now the Supreme Court just sanctioned governmental rape. Forcing something into the bodies of healthcare workers (or anyone) who doesn’t want it is rape.

Although some facilities I work at have allowed exemptions, some haven’t. I shook the dust off my feet of those that haven’t and I fully intend to leave healthcare before I’ll be raped by this mRNA technology.

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Lots of similarities with me and how it all dawned on me. I also have vaccines, believe in them, but believe they actually have to inoculate you from the thing you're trying to prevent.

These things started failing so fast. I've been sold a lot of cons in my life, and one thing I've learned clearly is that there's no shame in holding off and reserving judgement. Everyone is trying to sell you something, but not everything is meant for you to buy.

I'm sorry that you're being forced into medical rape and tyranny, because let's be clear, that's exactly what it is. It's NOT too strong of a term.

Thank you for sharing, and please let me know if there's anything I can do to help you.

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Thank you for your offer. It’s been hard. My eyes were opened big time right around the time I had my son in late 2020. I love my little guy and it’s devastating knowing that Americans aren’t 'the good guys,’ that healthcare is so corrupt, etc. I’ve been a nurse for 15 years and a nurse anesthetist for 11. I genuinely thought I was helping people.

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For me it was the awakening by a thousand cuts.

Having grown up in a family that owned an importing company, and then spending my adult years owning a travel company, I had extensive experience dealing with the Chinese and other authoritarian governments. As soon as I heard that this virus had begun in Wuhan, coincidentally in a city with a virology lab in it, I knew that it was not natural.

When the Chinese clamped down on their people and then reported unnaturally good numbers from their efforts to fight the virus, I knew they were covering up.

When the US, Europe, and Australia were suddenly in lock-step with one another over creating an "us and them" scenario between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, I knew there was global governmental collusion.

When the emergency use order was issued, the pharma companies were exempt from liability, and we weren't allowed to discuss how to treat people with covid, only how to supposedly stop them from getting it in the first place, I knew someone was making big money off the "vaccines".

When any discussion about vaccine ineffectiveness or side effects was effectively censored by the media and social media companies, I knew they weren't as effective and safe as we were being told.

When the data sets for vaccine efficacy got so big and so prevalent that the government could no longer suppress them, I knew they would then begin to smear the scientists who produced them.

When the public finally began to agitate and rebel, when the president's approval numbers tanked, and when the polls started showing a red wave in the mid-term elections, I knew we would suddenly begin to "see a light at the end of the tunnel."

When the red wave crashes over the legislative houses of Congress, I know we will begin the work of dragging the country back from the brink of insanity and authoritarianism.

What I don't know is if we will succeed, and how long it will take if we do.

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"What I don't know is if we will succeed, and how long it will take if we do."

That's about as real as it gets. There's no guarantee. We can push and fight and in the end they could just be too strong, too funded, too connected, and too ahead of the game. I feel like our first conquest must be for true journalism to return to its rightful place and be that watchdog that Liberty demands. Politicians gonna politish...but objective, fearless 4th wall journalists are the cornerstone of any long-term and meaningful pushback we have.

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I could not agree more, objective journalism is key and is currently MIA. It feels like that 60s song Where Have All The Flowers Gone? Where have all the investigative journalists gone? Where have all the crusaders for unbiased truth gone? Where have the anti-establishmentarians gone? What happened to all those people with their RESIST bumperstickers and their Question Authority t-shirts? They're all jostling for a place in line for a PCR test or a booster shot.

At the suggestion in your comments section, I read Naomi Wolf's substack. I can only hope that more and more people of her ilk start getting louder and louder about the self-censoring, and institutional censoring, going on in journalism today. No longer do you hear of fearless journalists digging for truth, no matter the slings and arrows cast at them. Now we hear about them reading approved press releases and referring to them as "research" and "sources".

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This article brings tears to my eyes. I was in rehab when the rumors of lockdowns started. I jumped on a plane home freshly detoxed and ready for a new life into lockdown hell, newly sober. I was blessed with a job deemed essential and got to keep working. I attended AA meetings on zoom.

My wake up was the use of the PCR test to diagnose illness. We use it in my business and a little research showed me it was not meant to diagnose illness and was in fact being manipulated to show false test results. I grew very suspicious and it increased when HCQ was barley out of Trumps mouth when it was shot down, one of the safest drugs in the world.

As I fight to convince my kids I’m not crazy and navigate the deep blue state I live in, I’m so grateful to still be sober and not living this hell with a dull mind that’s full of alcohol. I’ve lost friends but glad my family ( most of them) are not poisoned by this jab. Praying for the truckers in Canada and the people who are awake and aware of the pure evil behind this worldwide coup. God help us.

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Thank you so much for sharing. I can't imagine how difficult sobriety must have been - must be - as all of this descended.

Sobriety has been an issue for me since I was 15. I wax and wane with it, mostly have my vices under control, but still have mornings where I wake up and groan as I crack my eyes open, piecing together what I did last night. Thankfully, they're very few and far between.

I'm grateful you're sober and not living with a dull, alcohol numbed mind and soul. I'm grateful for your open, honest, and vulnerable story. To be the voice crying out in the wilderness of your own friend and family group can be such a lonely and frustrating place to be.

As you continue to heal, as you continue to fight the good fight, I'd like to help you. What can I do?

Last, I'd like to offer you this article I wrote on emotional needs. It's one more piece of the puzzle and ammo for this fight we're in.


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In 2020 I was working as a case mar RN in Michigan. Started seeing and talking with families of patients who were forced into assisted living and were prisoners. Then they were dying. In Jan2021 I was talking with patients who were getting vaccinated. This was a huge internal med practice and all patients from 21 docs were funneled through me when they were discharged from hospital. They had the most atrocious side effects ( those who had not passed away) I had ever seen. Strokes. Bleeding from rectum, bladder, clots in lungs, arms, legs. Amnesia. Massive heart attacks - some in their 30's. Confusion (treated for anxiety). Had to look at both our in office medical chart and their hospital chart. NO MENTION OF POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS FROM THE SHOTS. These were people with no history. Healthy. Went to the partners with my concerns and was brushed off. Moved away in Sept. Not much different in a more free State because I'm in healthcare and unclean (and selfish, apparently) due to no shot.

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Kellianne, you’re not selfish, you’re smart. What blows my mind is my parents generation telling us ‘if all your friends jumped off a bridge...’ And then here they are following the narrative. I thank God that my family are not early adopters and also listen to my judgement. I’ve always been honest with them if they ask me about a healthcare issue, if I don’t know, I tell them and have built up respect over time. So far no one has been v@xxed. With my husband’s family it is a different story.

Your family probably relies on you much the same. Even your patients, they need you, because many are making the same choice you are and no longer know who they can trust. Patients knowing they can trust that we won’t judge their individual health choices is what has kept me in this game, that and finding a place that would honor my religious exemption. I have no intentions of getting v@xxed with anything going forward. I feel much of the whole foundation of all of this is a lie.

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Thank you! I am back in the OR now. Surgery Center. Most here are injected ( even sick of the V word). All they talk about is covid and variants. Today I changed the subject successfully. Little victories. Lost a brother and 2 close friends over all this. My dog still likes me so that's something lol. We have to stick together no matter what happens!💖

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I guess for me it was two. And I remember it all like it was yesterday.

So I live in the Twin Cities. In a 130 unit apartment building, half a mile from the largest homeless shelter in the upper Midwest. In the beginning, I bought the bullshit. Washed my hands until they bled. I was certain that any day now, the plague was going to rip through the homeless population, get into my building, and we'd be stacking bodies. Two weeks went by. Three. A month and a half later, I didn't know anyone who was sick. That was the first bell. That was when it began to dawn on me that something else was going on.

The second one, the *loud* one, came in June. George Floyd. The riots, the looting, the fires. It all happened in my old neighborhood. That was the corner store I used to buy cigarettes at. My Target. My bookstore. I watched it all happen on television, across town from my apartment, and watched the entire government and media cheer it on. While the restaurant I worked at still couldn't open their dining room. That was the second bell.

And it made me feel crazy, to see this happen in my town, and to feel like no one else I knew was seeing the same thing I was seeing, was able to make two plus two equal four. My friends. My (now ex) wife. But once I saw it, once I heard the bell, I couldn't go back to pretending I didn't.

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What a confusing, horrible moment that made you feel completely alone, even in your own home. How badly we've let them divide us, but also the opportunity for us to find common ground with new people who more closely believe in things that aren't empty; things that have depth and substance.

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I think that's really true. I don't think the current social/political moment we're in right now would have been possible without all the horror of 2020/2021. It had to get get so bad that people couldn't continue to sit in their comfort zone.

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I also want to share this story. Healthy young mom who went to the hospital with pregnancy complications and ended up dying on a ventilator. This is tragic, absolutely gut-wrenching, and it's criminal. Please share this story far and wide.


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