Sep 2, 2022Liked by BHerr

The whole hate being stirred up is all about calling in the NATO military.

Martial Law

USA is effectively destroyed from the inside out, with the Marxist Playbook.

Nothing new under the sun.

It’s just scary that so many sycophants refuse to see.

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Amazing commentary and I particularly loved Reagan's Farewell Address which I hadn't heard before - being a Canadian consumed with consumerism at the time. Of course, you are right that we are at War and it has always been so. The pace and obviousness of the War (for our souls and for Love and Patience and Generosity and Faith) is now clear to anyone with a pair of eyes. But many do not choose to see and there are none so blind. What to do?

Here are some thoughts from other smart people as we descend so obviously into the mire of Worldwide Fascism:

1) PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for protection and to be able to follow God and not our own selfish desires

2) PREPARE with stored food, new skills, connections with like-minded people

3) BE READY to help and offer to help anyone that you can

4) Improve your own health because you need to stay away from organized medicine as much as possible

5) Eat less protein and less carbs and more good fats (avocado, wild fish, nuts: almonds, cashews, walnuts, macadamia, pumpkin seeds, etc.)

6) reduce/eliminate dairy and most especially processed dairy

7) Be REALLY careful about prescriptions for drugs - they all have side effects, try natural healing if reasonable and speak to a GOOD naturopathic Doctor if you need one

8) Intermittent fasting of at least 14 hours per days (non-sugar fluids but no food)

9) Sweat at least 3 times per week and preferably in exercise, but a sauna is good too

10) Get outside and literally smell the flowers and at least walk every day (even in rain and cold but dress properly)

11) Grow a garden (even a small one) - even sprouts on your window can be delicious and really nutritious

12) Even PRAY FOR YOUR ENEMIES - they need it too and there is always hope

13) Remember that our eternal destiny is greater than the troubles of this time and this world and there is real Hope from God for everyone who asks - ASK!!

May God Bless you and your families during this horrible war

Ian in Vancouver

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Great contrast! (Sorry for being late to the party, still catching up!)

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Yes, we haven't been a democracy in a long time, we've been a oligarchy and corporatocracy. Our democracy collapsed several decades ago, and a segment of the population has suffered a lot in the past 20 years. They gave up on any traditional politician and voted for Trump, along with some others who have scratched the surface of what's going on. We are in a more advanced collapse now, adding some fascist flare to our oligarchy while our country is looted for any prosperity that is left. Many people will fall for the fascism for a while, taking sides against one another, until enough people go hungry and get sick and die and get tired of living that way. Then collectively we decide on something better, and will have used this period of suffering to evolve enough to carry it through.

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Excellent post BHerr. Although Reagan was flawed, that's the last farewell speech I've actually watched/listened to in my boomer lifetime. I haven't been able to stomach any of the other puppets speeches. If there's one good thing about Joe-Bama's speech it's that a LOT of people did not like it one bit. In fact, I'd say a majority of the country. What to do about the madness? I agree with you. This is a spiritual battle, but in our human shells what we can do is stay perfectly peaceful, don't comply with anything unlawful, reconnect with loved ones, neighbors and friends and keep the faith. There's no doubt some bad times are probably coming. But the monsters do NOT win in the end. And they won't win now unless we roll over and submit to them. If they weren't threatened, they wouldn't be doing what they're doing. Another way to say that is if we didn't have a chance at winning they definitely wouldn't be desperately pushing so hard. Stay strong!

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the way i read last nights speech as a foreigner is he just declared war on you and by proxy the west


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Apologies for the shameless promotion but I promise this is relevant:

I'm running a "meme the Red Sermon" contest on my stack through next week. Subscribe (free is fine!) and send me dank memes for a chance to win free Gutter merch.


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It really troubles me when you employ certain rhetoric because though I understand the profound differences in our worldview, I still enjoy much of your writing. But I digress.

In my lifetime, a reasonable sort of conservatism exemplified by East Coast Episcopalian-type Republicans was perverted and destroyed by that political genius Lee Atwater and here we are today.

Reagan was an actor blessed with excellent speechwriters. He was the end of Republicanism as an intelligent party of thoughtful conservatives able to sensibly oppose the increasingly dangerous radicalism of East- and West-coast Democrats.

Now here we are, with no political party of any palatability. Yet people still get misty-eyed and rhapsodic over Reaganism.

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We are not United, and as States we are fully absorbed in Federal Imperium. RR surely had his emotional love of the myth of America. It resonated with voters who shared his myth. Yet his Administration fought illegal wars and favored secrecy and militarism and Transnational Capitalism. Not States Rights. Oliver North and Contras. Rex84. I argue the Anti-Federalist stance was our last chance to have no Empire.

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