We know the 'covid of the internet' is coming, which will be used to usher in digital ID's to access the internet. Seems to me it ties into this, to stop misinformation of course.

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What do you see as ways to protect and defend freedoms with this impeding digital gulag?

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We're not on FB, Twitter, IG or any of the other social-media borgs and don't use Google to search. We're in process of moving our Internet tools outside US control/tentacles. Like using offshore VPN, having a non-US email account that allows for encryption, etc. Pulling out of all Google-related services and tools including Gmail, Gcalendar, etc. It can be done and should be done now while you can research what places to go and what to do. Another thing to do is to be sure to PDF all studies and whatnot that you suspect could disappear or be surreptitiously revised later on.

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These are great, relatively simple suggestions every one of us should be doing.

Two things:

1. Would you care to write up and send me a plan of action for doing what you suggest? I'd like to create some articles that don't just rail at the current events but give us practical documentation and planning.

2. I want to see a secure repository for all of the documents, easily accessible by anyone, lock boxed against government interference. We need SOMEPLACE to put ALL of the receipts that's untouchable from corruption and central ownership. This shit has to be preserved forever.

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Sorry but I don't think that this should be written up, TBH. It's like how the Biden administration tells the enemy what it plans to do. Just think about anything you use and how you can make it secure or go outside of US/big-tech control/spying.

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Things are already being revised and being made to disappear and have for quite a while now. James Corbett has some words of advice about this aspect. I think wayback machine is part of it but it seems to me (again, above my pay grade) that wayback machine could be manipulated too, and I'm not sure who controls it anyway.

As it stands, I still use gmail and google, surf on twitter, and read substack of course. If someone wants to snoop and tie my twitter handle to my actual name, then whatever. No one should be posting anything incendiary or illegal anyway at this point, given that it should be well known that they can figure out who in real life it is right now, even without whatever it is they will roll out.

Given my attitude about it, I don't think the sheeple will care one bit. They will beg for it just to get FB back up and running.

If they start actually taking down websites, that would be another story and I'm not sure how to combat that.

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They really are. Just think about what the DOD is purported to do with the whistleblower data. Glitch, missing info...

The problem with incendiary is it's always going to be a subjective, sliding scale. I'm very careful to clearly state that whatever the solution is, it MUST be nonviolent. Use all legal and ethical means necessary. However, what's legal and ethical today won't be tomorrow - DHS bulletin case in point.

It's ALMOST like they want us to just sit down and shut up, like they don't want us to "make them come down here." Nah, that can't be it, right?

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Indeed it must be nonviolent. In my mind, strikes and boycotts would have a 100% chance of success. The issue is getting enough people on board, which imho will never happen. To reference a couple of your other articles, I've been a roaring lion for 15 years. It's cost me my job, friends (although gained a few along the way), and family. The cost is high, for most people, too high, until they are directly affected. The pain will have to be much, much more intense until most are willing to forego their comfort and do what needs to be done. From my vantage point, I don't see that ever happening and think the only practical thing on an individual level is build a life boat the best you can and be prepared to just ride it out.

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I'm so disappointed in so many institutions. Journalists and medical experts/administrators are at the top of that list. Just below that would be unions, although it's not surprising.

If the unions actually had more backbone and stood for freedom instead of being just another corrupt self-interested bureaucracy in the pockets of higher power, then things would be different.

"No one will ever change until the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of change." If the average Joe is content to continue to let their God-given freedoms be eroded minute by minute; if the Super Bowl is more important than silencing truth, then yeah, we have a much longer slide to go until that average person realizes they've slid too far. And that will be almost impossible to come back from.

I agree about building your own lifeboat too. That's mandatory. It means different things to different people, but if you aren't building your own lifeboat and securing your own perimeters, then you're just not seeing the reality.

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I agree. I try to grab data as soon as I'm aware of it but realize that it could have already been revised. Still think it's better to have it than not at all--much of it such as court filings, etc. haven't been revised.

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BTW, I'm also INTJ under MB test... just noticed that's the name you're using and assume you're referring to that.

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Indeed. I took mine at a site called 16personalities and it has a wealth of information about each personality type. It was very eye opening.

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What do you use outside of G-calendar? I hate it but my husband wants an online calendar

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It is way above my pay grade so I have to rely on others like cat's answer below.

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Do you think it would "undo all the courage that's been exercised til now"? I think just the opposite, that it will awaken those on the edge of consciousness.

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I think it would be another culling of the herd. You get images and video of Alex Jones or Glenn Beck being lead in handcuffs to a DHS tactical van next to the story of Spotify being deleted because they supported terrorists, yeah, I think that would make a dent.

How powerful and effective the media showed itself to be over the last two years at swaying public opinion and mushing brains is truly biblically evil. It's frightening. How many on-the-fence journalists, doctors, and other professionals self-censored the covid crap because they were afraid to put their head over the wall. If they would have just stood up, the world would be exceedingly different right now.

I believe the same will happen in the above scenario, the the plan plays out like I think it might. Currently brave Substackers and podcasters and others who have been contributing voices will certainly have second thoughts when jail or heavy fines is a true reality. This is why I'm pleading for all of us to truly count our costs.


My hope - and I'm an optimist - is that persecution will push light into the open, and the light will cleans the darkness. It's happening right now. Those hives of darkness are being exposed. But the stakes continue to get higher, and from what I've seen of my fellow humans the past two years, the cost is far to great for far too many to bear.

I don't know. I just don't know how the boot will affect the masses in phase 2.

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I think that most Americans won't feel connected to seeing Glenn Beck or Alex Jones arrested. It is too easy to brush them off as "extreme", and many of us wouldn't recognize them if we saw them in our living room; I know I wouldn't. This is one reason why the admin tries to label all dissent and questioning as "extremist", to make normal people look askance at one another for wrong-think. However, if people see it happen to news reporters and pundits, authors, athletes, entertainers, people they follow on social media, a friend of a friend, or an acquaintance, that is when it will hit home for them. it has to happen to someone that they have invested positive emotion in, have a feeling of warmth or respect toward.

Much like the protesting in Ottawa, the BLM protests, CRT, or the shutting down of schools and businesses, rising inflation and crime - anyone not personally affected can more easily brush it off as being blown out of proportion, but when it hits home you start seeing parents get angry and stand up, workers get angry and stand up, small business owners decide that they were a lot more conservative than they had previously thought. Let's hope that everyone turns out to be braver than they ever thought.

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I believe that the Enemy has achieved the vast majority of its goals with the Plandemic/Scamdemic. They have jabbed a high percentage of the population with dangerous experimental drugs that will reduce their immunity, cause cancer and increase their susceptibility to future Plandemics. They have also persuaded the majority of the population in the West to accept completely undemocratic restrictions on their lives (e.g. not being able to sing in Churches!!! and taking the jab under pain of losing their jobs, etc.) in direct violation to the Constitutional foundations of law within all the countries they are using them in. They have also massively reduced the middle class/independent businesses in the same countries. In addition (and perhaps most importantly), the overwhelmingly destructive printing of ~~50 trillion US dollars by the Federal Reserve (and additional amounts by other "Central Banks") has caused massive inflation across the world and (more importantly) it has been used to buy controlling interests in the largest and most important corporations in the world (Exxon, AT+T, Walmart, tech companies, e.g. Facebook, and media companies, etc. etc.). It has been the largest theft in world history. It is truly horrible that the people paying for the printing in terms of an inflation tax are the same ones being hurt by the corporations that their taxes are being used to pay for. The BIGGEST THEFT IN WORLD HISTORY!!

So that STILL leaves the question as to what is next?

I think it will be a "Computer Virus/banking shutdown". The Ukraine situation is a pretext (psy-op) designed to allow the Russians to be blamed for the release of a massive computer virus that shuts down access to credit cards, on-line banking, debit cards and the banks themselves (possibly along with the internet). This will allow the same evil actors to justify shutting down access to the internet for communication and banking (and even electricity to homes) for those who do not conform. It will allow the rapid introduction of the "seemingly secure" world-wide digital currency, the introduction of a "secure" digital ID for every person (magnetic particles in the body - the technology already exists) that can be scanned by a magnetic reader allowing them to buy and sell (soon to be the ONLY way to do that). Without that "secure digital ID" no one will be able to buy or sell. There will be no need to round up dissenters using armed men - they will simply starve out anyone who opposes the 1984 fascist take-over of the world including of course the "Social Credit system" so effectively deployed in China already.

Of course, this is War for our lives, our families and our very souls. IT is a completely Satanic agenda. Here are some suggestions that I might propose to prepare - PLEASE ADD YOUR OWN:

1) Become aware and rally around like-minded people in your communities, forming "resiliancy networks"

2) Resist the mandates, and the unconstitutional restrictions with all your tenacity and determination

3) Purchase physical gold (and some silver) and keep it at home in a secure location (perhaps in a safe)

4) Purchase and store dried/canned good food, like beans, and canned fish (sardines/salmon, etc.) and store them or the coming challenges (that type of food is still widely available -FOR NOW)

5) Take up gardening (good for body, food and mind)

6) Improve your nutritional health (>24 oz, 600 ml of clean water per day, 3000-4000 iu (0.075-0.10 mg) of vitamin D in oil per day, 25 mg/day of zinc (ascorbate, gluconate, glycinate, citrate), fruit BEFORE your meals, less protein and much less refined sugar)

7) Exercise outside every day (even in the rain or snow)

8) Help other people in any way you can

9) PRAY to God for his protection and for the protection of the world and remember that His will be the victory in the end

What else do you suggest??

Ian in Vancouver

2) Become awar

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Great comment Ian. There's so much to unpack here.

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I should have added to the nutritional section to substitute good fats, like fish oil, avocados, nuts (almonds, cashews, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, etc.) instead of carbs (grains/sugars) and protein (although grasses like quinoa and wild rice and of course flax and chia are also excellent and important). IT also includes sweating regularly (preferably with exercise) and intermittent fasting (14-16 hours per day - water/tea only). It is the "Mercola Autophagy Diet" that massively improves the immune system and kills cancer. IT is also anti-diabetic and improves your youthfullness, libido and extends life. EVERYONE should be doing it irrespective of the external situation.

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Right now I feel like we're teetering. We can fall into tyranny or we can destroy it. I feel a lot better about our chances now than I did last summer.

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I feel a lot better now, for sure. It really seems like since Malone went on Rogan and they discussed the mass formation, some major elements to the spell have been shattered, and reality is being refocused.

But damn, I just can't shake the nagging feeling that it's all a setup. There are entire departments in the DOD, CIA, FBI, etc., devoted to this psyop, devoted to hunting down "insurrectionists".

"The Quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little, and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the Company is true."

We must remain true.

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I 100% agree with you. The battle is not yet won, and the War is being lost. Too much ground has already been lost. These "temporary victories" (e.g. the pending Rebublican take-over of the US COngress) are illusionary. The real impacts have already occurred and we have already lost SO much. 4 BILLION people have accepted the Jab!! That is more than HALF of the world's population. Almost all of the countries of the world have instituted mass formation/psy-ops against their own population to allow complete short-circuiting of the constitutions of all of those countries. Entire educational programs in most of our schools are indoctrinating our children in total propaganda. In addition, and perhaps most importantly the countries, communities, churches and families have been divided as never before. We are losing the War. (biowar and propaganda war - soon to be an IT war). We cannot relent or slow down our efforts. The computer virus is coming.

I agree 100% - WE MUST REMAIN TRUE.

Ian in Vancouver

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