I stand with you! Spear of truth in hand. My shield shall be compassion and love for humanity. I will not shirk nor veer from this freely chosen path. From this day forward I will devote my every waking moment to the cause of waking those whose minds are clouded by fear, despair and disillusion.

The future of humanity hangs in the balance.

Wholly committed in mind, body and spirit I await your suggestions on where I might apply maximum effort for maximum effect.

Direct action for those unwilling to watch the slow motion demolition of mankind.

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Matthew, thank you! First, our help doesn't begin or end with us. It's from our Creator. Without acknowledging that, nothing we do will matter.

Second, what we CAN and MUST do is thoroughly understand what the Endgame is. Let it be indelibly written on our hearts what the reality of what a global digital gulag REALLY means. Remind ourselves over and over that we ARE in World War III. No hyperbole, no metaphor. World War III is the fight of free global citizens against a global authoritarianism that will completely strip humanity of what it means to be human, to be alive.

Third, use every communication channel, every opportunity you can to make that message clear, especially to those in mass formation. They need a DIFFERENT vision to replace the Covid one. When THEY feel that tangibly, when they grasp the stakes and how ominous the hour is, we can shift that focus. But we need to be relentless and consistent without becoming loud gongs or clanging cymbals that aren't effective.

* Write an open letter to your company

* Talk to your church board or other organization you're a part of

* Go to your school board and use The Endgame vision however you feel appropriate

* Write your local, state, and federal politicians

* Find anyone you know in the media, in any position, and try to pull back the curtain

I think the media is really the key, and that's the first thing we need to take back. As el Gato wrote in the screenshot above, they will follow the clicks. The groundswell needs to be to push as many small conversations forward to the bigger fish, and the bigger fish push them up to the bigger fish, and so on.

It's going to take time and work, but if all of us start to direct every byte, at every turn, into that vision of the Endgame, and then push it up and out until it's splattered across the big media, then we will make real headway and have a chance to turn it around.

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Br, thanks for your response.

As you have intimated, the “end game” is the social credit score enforced with a central bank digital currency.

I agree, with this in place society as we currently understand it will cease to exist. In order to get there behaviorists have designed this current mass formation to lead us to this end. Thus, I believe we must unite to bring people back from edge where their fear will lead them to accept this digital enslavement.

The problem arises when you attempt to (wake) them, if undertaken without a replacement they will awake to the state of free floating anxiety from which they first escaped into the Covid narrative. I have so far, only been able to do this in person, face to face with love and compassion and a physical touch. As you know they have tapped deep into peoples “self preservation” mode to enact this mRNA gene therapy abomination acceptance. Overcoming this primal atavistic fear on a mass scale will be difficult. I look forward to your input and offer any assistance needed.

My faith is deep and no evil nor misguided government will change the “endgame” that awaits my spirit.

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Agreed, I am here, one of the old ladies of Rohim...how do I put the children on the horses and get them to go to the fortress before their houses are pillaged and burned by orcs...Can you please tell us what specific things we can do in addition and perhaps smaller than the above....we need a little light in this darkness....I am hugging the children I teach, but I have already been yelled at for pointing out Fauci's lies.....can't discuss it in school, now verboten. I'm talking the under 10 crowd

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First, thank you for being a teacher that gets it. It's one of the most important jobs in the world, and we need people like you on the wall.

How stringent is the actual curriculum you have to teach in your district? How much freedom do you have? One of the amazing things about the darkness and the enemy is the subtlety with which he weaves his deceptions. He'll use 99% truth in order to create a very convincing lie.

I don't think a full frontal assault in your situation is the way to go, which sounds like what you've tried. Yes, the orcs are going to snarl at you. But are you able to create strategic, consistent lessons that carry messaging to the kids that fosters the spirit of freedom, rebellion against tyranny, principles, patriotism, and critical thinking? Can you yourself weave together truth in your teachings, regardless of the topic, that promote truth?

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I have a bit of latitude, as I teach library/critical thinking. Right now we are doing the greek myths...but I can weave john snow into our study of maps, into why encyclopedias are now online (information changes every day too fast for published version), and keep planting in their heads they need to do their own research and make up their own minds. That most of what we teach in school is the Theory of...and some might be right and some might not be..as new knowledge unfolds. Most of all I try to tell them that knowledge changes at the speed of light every day, so they need to make up their own minds as to what is "true" or not..it might be what we know today, but it will probably change tomorrow. I'm just picking on scientists now as an example of hubris. Using phaethon and the sun chariot which we read out loud as an example.

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This is a good start to a much bigger conversation. (Hello from the future- I've already read the next post.)

There's a very important #3. I'd like to offer you a rough draft of it. It's a hard truth (the ones I enjoy communicating the most). Feel free to use it wherever, if it please you.

3) You will have to pay a price to win this war. It will not happen painlessly, it will not happen cheaply, and we will not all survive it.

Sacrifice will be required, and if you are not prepared to make those sacrifices, YOU ARE OF NO VALUE TO VICTORY. That 40% in the "big middle "? They're there because their instincts are different from yours. Compliance with effective tyranny (one able to actually exert power to punish dissent) keeps you in greater homeostasis than resistance.

They are not specifically pro-evil. They'd be just as compliant, just as "go along to get along" with actual good guys in charge. They don't care who the boss is, as long as they know who the boss is and what he or she wants and get a paycheck. They're the "buy cheese and watch television" people in Fight Club, and they will always be the majority of humanity because that's how we're programmed and the existing distribution has won the natural selection Olympics every single time.

You, on the other hand, had better be prepared to pay for what you want. That whole "freedom isn't free" thing isn't just a truck decal.

You have to be prepared to lose your job.

You have to be prepared to lose your friends and family and professional reputation.

You have to be prepared to lose your freedom (i.e., go to jail).

You have to be prepared to lose your home, or to stop living where you currently live.

You have to be prepared to lose your comforts- easy access to consumer goods, cheap food, and what I'll just call dumb luxuries, like your Facebook and Netflix accounts.

You have to be prepared to lose access to health care.

You have to be prepared to be physically harmed.

You have to be prepared to be killed.

I'm not saying all of these things will happen before it's over, or that they will happen all at once, or in some combination, or to many of us or just an unfortunate minority.

But make no mistake, they are all on the table. (Always have been.)

Make peace with every one of those possibilities or you are not only going to spend the rest of your days miserable, in paranoid terror, you will be useless.

Make peace with the real possibility that your government could declare you a "public health crisis" and strip you off every material and immaterial piece of property you own including the clothes on your back.

Make peace with the possibility that a strongly-worded political sentiment posted online could cause a drone to huck a Hellfire missile through your roof and instantly vaporize you, your dog, and your entire family, and you will never feel a thing or see it coming.

Make peace with the possibility that you will spend the rest of your days in a "mental hospital" drugged into vegetation and never have a trial.

All of this has happened before. All of it will happen again.

Be prepared to pay those prices and that the important part is that if they happen, they happen because you're fighting.

Sit with these sacrifices, work through the horror, and come out the other side.

Again, you will not necessarily personally pay all or any of these prices. But they are all on the table.

Prepare your soul, and then you never have to worry about it again.

But be prepared to get hurt. Be prepared to pay a price.

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Boy Guttermouth, you must be fun at parties!

I kid. I'm sure you and I would be off in the corner of that party, talking exactly like this and laughing at how screwed we are. This response is right up my alley!

But in all seriousness, you're spot on, as usual.

There IS a cost that needs to be counted. I'd like to think I've counted mine and taken all conceivable possibilities to their darkest logical conclusions. I'd also like to think I'm prepared, although I don't know if any of us really can say for sure we're prepared to accept those costs when push comes to shove.

It took me a while to get on Substack and start writing for some of the very reasons you mention above. All of us are compiling quite the list of trigger words and "hate speech" that might very well land us all on some blacklist. A drone might be hovering above me right now for all I know.

I wrote this on a comment on another Substack just the other day:

'And THAT is the squishy middle, the go along because it's convenient type. They're not the malicious 30% radicals, but they might be worse because if THEY stood up, this would have been over and we would be taking massive ground.

But they aren't standing up. They do the next convenient thing so they can do the next comfortable thing so they can continue to believe the lie that "everything is fine and will go back to normal".

I play hockey with a bunch of these people. I love them, but I've lost respect. And they KNOW it's ridiculous on some level and even question why they do it, but alas, at the end of the day, it's just easier to do the next convenient thing so they can stay comfortable. Frogs in the pot."

As well as this to a person who lost their job because they refused a jab:

"I'm sorry you were fired, and I hope you can land on your feet. You are on the front line, and thank you for holding that line, as much as it absolutely blows and as unfair, unethical, and illegal as it is. I never thought I would experience discrimination in 2022 USA (call me privileged, racist, whatever I don't care), but this is Jim Crow discrimination, and by and large, the same people who are doing this would be the same ones who applauded, yelled, threatened and perpetuated the Jim Crow South in the 50s and 60s."

So you're right on the count that not all of us are going to make it. There will be casualties, in every way that a casualties are a reality. There is a whole bunch of people who will just sit around and not do anything either. This is reality.

Still, I'm up for this. I have to be. Freedom for myself, freedom for my family, my kids, it's worth it. I think I'll write a post on counting the costs, but until then, thanks again for your stark, truthful reality. It's essential to the conversation.

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I wouldn't talk like this at a party. I'm a blast at parties. 😊

This ain't a party. This is serious business here. Lest we forget.

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OK Guttermouth, you're front and center. If you've subscribed to my Substack, apologies for the duplicate alert.


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Ooh, what an honor this was- and putting it opposite "The Untouchables" (one of my very favorites), no less! Thanks, author.

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I love this conversation between the two of you going on on this post and another (the 50 yard line post). A lot of wisdom and energy here. 👍🏽💕

I woke up a long time ago and could see this covid and vaccine thing coming from a mile away. It's easy to see how media propaganda divides people, preys on their psychological weaknesses, instinctual fear survival reactions and need for authority. Now the end game has arrived, the great transition. It will be a mess, and we don't know how it will turn out.

It feels like a personal and collective time of incredible growth. Each of us personally are challenged in different ways to break out of our personal patterning and stand up in the ways that we are able. I've left my 25 year health care career and educated the company on my way out. I recognize I will suffer for my principles, be carried off to a camp, there is such a core of principled strength that surprises me. I've been isolated from my community over the vaccine issue. That's been painful and I'm still processing the hurt and grief. I have difficulty speaking about myself in the best of times, and I'm working on the shakiness and activation that arises when talking with people on the subject, that's my edge. We will be a ragtag bunch. We need the people who have developed their fighting ability and will stand strong, hold a strong line. We need the people who have developed the ability to personally connect with love. We need the people who are good at thinking through the ideologies and teaching others. We are a rag tag bunch, and a minority. The outcome is uncertain, and it's not up to us anyway. But oh what a time to clarify who we are, individually as people and collectively as a human family. What a time to learn to live fully as things fall apart around us. I'm up for the fight, I'm up for being involved in the creation of something new to come through the cracks rather than passively following along with others agenda. I see so many of us are up for it too. 💖

I am involved in the spiritual path that has both personal and transcendent aspects to it. I can feel moved to clarify my soul so my personality and conditioned history can continue to dissolve. This will make way for the dynamic unfolding that is moving this whole transition and every human being involved, that dynamic unfolding to move through me too, as freely as possible.

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I'm sorry that you've suffered losses due to the stances you're taking, but if we are truly about our convictions, that's going to be the least of the costs we personally incur over the coming years.

I'm watching what's happening in Shanghai right now with horror, knowing that's the template for the rest of the world. It's a beta test. What are we going to do when THAT comes to our doors?

To someone that's of like minds when it comes to lockdowns, freedom, etc., but might not see how the spiritual component is important, what would you say to them?

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Thank you for your compassion. I'm almost surprised by the strength of my principles on these matters of bodily sovereignty and tyranny. I feel like I'm willing to lose everything, and to be honest it's easier because I'm recently divorced and don't have as much to lose or protect as I used to. I think and hope to have the courage when my physical safety is threatened. It's heart-wrenching to watch what's going on in shanghai.

I think people will benefit from the spiritual connection they already have, in their spiritual path or religion. I'm not sure it can be pointed out to someone who doesn't see how it's important. It can be felt and demonstrated though. And sometimes people are drawn to it when they hit rock bottom and have nowhere left to turn. Spiritual qualities like strength, power, love, compassion helps heal wounds and forge a way through times like these. And knowing, from your inner experience, that you exist beyond this world is a great relief. 🙏💕

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I would love to have you as a friend. I am torn between trying to figure out if I am better where I am and watch the unfolding, or throwing caution to the winds and moving to where I know no one. You would be a great person to have a conversation with.

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Aw, thank you. 💜 Perhaps there is a way to connect, are you on Telegram or Signal?

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Going back to this, man, the Hellfire missile scenario actually sounds pretty good! Never see it coming or feel a thing, being instantly vaporized? Hmm, you're on to something. I kid. Kind of.

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This is one of those interesting topics my friends and I refer to as a "bar question."

I absolutely want to see my death coming, and while I'd rather not suffer in prolonged agony, I would like to feel SOMETHING. It's either the first-or second-most important event in my life; I want to be an active participant, or to at least be able to say "this is happening."

Thanks for a great idea for a post, BTW. 😊

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Just read a substack by Naomi Wolf, "Is it time for intellectuals to have a conversation about God?" Was astounded by some responses! Read it. Her take is awesome and some of her fellow progressive followers seem to be waking up😊. Made me smile

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Can you provide the link? Thank you!

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Just read it. I haven't really been tuned in to her, so thank you for sharing this. It's fantastic, and I believe every word she says.

The fact is, we DO wrestle against principalities outside of our five senses. The battle between good and evil is real, ancient, and much bigger than our finite, fragile human race can possibly understand.

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Thanks , cat

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Great and necessary conversation, thanks to all. Here are a few random responses:

- When you say "vision" it needs to be positive, not just another fear. The problem is, a positive vision for the collective is just that, collective, which is part of the whole big problem. So somehow the (to my way of thinking) "true" vision of individual integrity and sovereignty and freedom needs to lead the way, without succumbing to the false collective "revolutions" of the past.

- Agree that the media is key, and that's a great insight about driving clicks. Unfortunately in today's era of infinite free money ($billion bribes), the media is paid off to shill for the Deep State so they don't really need all that free enterprise "profit" anymore. Or do they? Is it "Breaking (Fake) News" anymore if nobody's watching?

- Part of the problem with both of the above is the global and national scale we're talking about. Big collective entities calling the shots for everyone. Big media overwhelming the impact of local and independent voices. We can't fight back on their terms, so the new infowar needs to be asymmetric: individual vs. collective, local vs. too-big-to-fail. And, as some have contributed, even spiritual vs. "political."

Note: the above points are at least as much questions as answers.

No one said it would be easy!

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Vision DOES absolutely need to be positive. I don't like to use fear as a motivator. However, the reality of what's at stake is terrifying. What's a positive vision that's possible to connect people to?

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I finally put together a longer response to these questions and issues, quoting from your posts and updating to my current outlook. Check it out and let me know what you think! https://nowick.substack.com/p/ban-the-borg (Hint: that positive vision is more open-ended than prescriptive. Keyword: Decentralization!)

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Well, there is of course the positive value of shaking people free of denial and illusion and placing fear where it rightfully belongs. More positive than that is to offer a better alternative. But that's tricky because it's more risky, open-ended, creative, imaginative... free. However there are many decentralized initiatives and traditions (espec. indigenous) to show the way forward/back/away from the cyberhighway to extinction of our humanity. I try to address the issue in my substack posts (e.g., https://nowick.substack.com/p/y2k2-flip-the-script and https://nowick.substack.com/p/paging-the-forty-percent) but that's the gist of it so far... and now you've inspired me to work on a new one. :)

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In the morning. Thank you for your courage.

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I get this now!!! Haha.

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I have a simple recipe for the mass formed. I agree and don't agree with Desmet. Some of the ppl I observe falling for it don't lack anything in their personal lives per se. But they got scared and were shown the way out. These ppl's problem is that they are used to delegate the brain work to others. Not stupid, uneducated ppl. Just delegators. And they make their decision once, on one particular subject, never bother to come back and reconsider. Not in their nature.

So, these ppl need to be presented with a different problem, on which they

a) get scared

b) are shown a way out

c) can make a delegation.

The way I experimented on them (Twitter, lol) is:

a) Tell them the jabs make them sick. They WILL kill them for sure after jab #N.

b) They were purposefully tricked, not their fault. They deserve to be compensated, whether they suffered ill effects not or not. Thorough class action lawsuits.

c) they can choose to fallow the con artists, OR clamour for compensation and get their lives back. The financial boon is important!

The rate of success has been astounding, on most obtuse useful idiots.

Fight fire with fire.

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Oh Wow, now you have got me thinking (don't you love how I blame you for the vararies of my brain?). One of the best books of the 20th century that I read in 6th grade...the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

So now I am thinking, where today are Gandalf, the Ring bearer, Bormir, the company, etc....I think Emerald Robinson (the virus is so you get a vaccine, the vaccine is for the passport, the passport is for the digital code, the code is for digital currency, digital currency is for slavery) could be the Elven Queen (can't remember the name, but played by Kate Blanchett I think?) Anyway, I am thinking of all of this..,I know who the Ringwraiths are...justin trudeau, jacinda arden, boris johnson Joe Biden, etc.etc......I don't know who or where Frodo and Sam are, but know that the ring must be put into the fire of mt. doom...the ring being the globalist plan for world tyranny....

Do help with this....I see Alex Berenson, Steve Kirsch, RJ Malone as members of the Company....Maybe Dr. McCullough or Malone as even Gandalf ?

Help me. It is playing out before my eyes but have forgotten much Cynara.. Oh and I hope the Canadian truckers are the Riders of Rohimm?

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Galadriel is the elf queen.

Sam and Frodo are us. We each have the mission to destroy the ring in our own way. The odds do seem impossible, but one step, one fight, one spark of light in the darkness, in our circle, is our duty.

Wake up each morning and grab the light of Galadriel that you know is inside you. Stand on hope, on peace, on joy, like you're standing on the wall of Gondor. Go out and teach your kids peace, critical thinking, freedom. Weave the magic language of truth into all you do. Speak the old elvish tongue in a way that's below the adults in the room but in the language the children will understand.

Adults are dumb and dull-witted unfortunately (no offense to anyone here), but the kids have ears to hear and eyes to see. They understand the ancient language of truth in some powerful way that adults can't. Speak of tales of old, of patriots, of great stands against darkness, and lead those young ponies to the currents of truth.

Sorry for all the mixed metaphors, haha.

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Love that! I spoke elvish yesterday in the class I teach. Told the students about Galileo, punished for saying the earth revolves around the sun, about Semmelweis for washing his hands, that we still don't know what causes or what is gravity...taught them the greek word Hubris. I'll probably get rebuked for it, but I just wanted them to understand that science is ever changing and we as human beings don't know everything we think we do.

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Do try to help my brain here it is failing rapidly, but you started it.with this brilliant essay.

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Man... okay. You are ID'ing a lot of stuff. Good. BUT... it's not acceptable to go in like this without proposing real action steps. So what are they ? Never has R. Buckminster Fuller's comment been so cogent: 'You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.' Okay... so what's the new model ?

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Well, like I say, we need a new vision. For so long, it's been Covid. Vaccines. So we need a new vision. Something like the trucker convoy in Canada is very helpful. The resistance. The crowds. The continued illumination of what a social credit and medical passport REALLY mean, in terms the general public understands and connects with. A vision that 70% of people can internalize and accept.

BUT, the resistance MUST be broadcast. We need to recapture journalism and we need to recapture the conversation. Not the "narrative", but the conversation. That's going to be a huge challenge. But it's the only way to practically form a new vision. We've seen how easily minds can me molded be repetition.

So anyone with any will to move into a new vision must start working on journalists. Barri Weiss recently said that basically for every one of her that's decided to take a stand, there's a whole multitude that's behind her, like her, that feels the same way but is still too afraid to stand up. One by one, we must exert all of our influence and persuasion and encourage these that WANT to believe but are still too afraid to stand up. We need to help them know they aren't in the fringe, but actually in the majority.

For years the far left has been about "using their platform." I remember Joy Reid admonishing Nicki Manaj a few months ago to quit talking about vaccine hesitancy and chiding her for not using her platform to get more people to take the vaccine. That's what that crowd is CONSTANTLY doing. It makes them seem bigger and louder than they actually are.

The Truth WILL set us free. We all need to continue to speak truth, regardless of where it gets shut down or shut out. We've seen major shifts over the last couple of months in the narrative, things I didn't know would be possible, because people have continued to step up, be brave, and tell the truth, even in the face of the goliath that is the legacy media. That needs to continue.

There's obviously a lot more to this, and that's one of the reasons for my Substack, but to me, the two main points are:

1. We need a new vision beyond Covid.

2. We need people in visible or influential positions, specifically in journalism and the media, to grow some balls and stand up. Broadcast the revolution.

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Shared on my social media. Will go to sub if I may right now. Found you on our face bad cat's stack. Keep it up!

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