Meditation has helped me in the last year. Once my soul awakened all the old distractions, busy work and "fun" became silly. On the edge of quitting nursing right now. Don't really resonate with the fake healthcare. Strange times. Still helping friends and family (those that will listen) wake up to the theater of reality.

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A lot of things that we thought were necessary have really become flimsy and foolish, haven't they?

What woke your soul up? Was there a defining moment? How did that feel?

I have a good friend in "healthcare" now, and it's tragic what you all are going through. Makes me see red. For you, for the patients, for the good doctors (of whom there really are a lot of). There's just so much collateral damage that's going to be evident for decades.

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I certainly don't worry about the little stuff anymore.

Car fender scratched? Hardly the end of the world as we know it. That end is a couple of years away.

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What snapped you out of the fog? What was your "clear bell ringing in the night" moment?

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Before the March 2020 lockdown, Ardern announced her plan to subsidize MSM.

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She is evil. A well groomed ghoul of the WEF, along with Macron and Trudeau. These are truly terrifying people.

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Things are quiet here at Adern Archipelago at the moment as the high priestess is arranging her wedding.

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good stuff herr Herr. I can't believe how good some of the stuff here on substack is.

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"I can't believe how good some of the stuff here on substack is."

Isn't free speech amazing?

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I appreciate that. What has jumped out at you as you've been reading? What's made an impact?

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Wow, I've read three or four other articles since. let me read it again and tell you

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well, almost everything in it was good stuff. I loved the examples you used to illustrate the initial character descriptions. I have some hippy friends who have decided to disown me (and I them) because I connected the sudden cancer death of their mother to the vaxxes, and one of the sons spat at me "It's a Public Fucking Health measure, you nutcase." I said it sure is, but not in the way you understand.

These are Terrence McKenna quoting ayahuasca using yurt dwelling anti-establishment hippies who were wearing N95 masks in their own car at the time.

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"Terrence McKenna quoting ayahuasca using yurt dwelling anti-establishment hippies who were wearing N95 masks in their own car at the time"

One of the greatest descriptions ever, lol.

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but the whole thing is really well put together and I liked the beach metaphor too. Keep going you are doing great.

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Yes, great writing. I keep finding a lot of great writing on substack. I appreciate the wisdom. There is so much foolishness all over the place. I have been a nurse on the Covid unit the last 2 years and I am sad, frustrated, angry, and scared at what has happened and how few in healthcare or “medical establishment” seem to be alarmed. So many seem to really believe all the nonsense. With religious devotion. Others know it is dumb, but go along with it out of fear or validating feelings. Friends so afraid they wouldn’t have anyone over for 10 months and didn’t eat out for over a year. I am seeking wisdom and help to navigate this. I feel impatient and frustrated and I know that attitude isn’t going to change minds or hearts and is causing me to be bitter. I appreciate the guidance towards patience and humility. We definitely need more of it in the current climate of fear, hysteria, and hate.

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I can't imagine how alone and frustrated you must feel, being on a CV unit for that long.

Might I recommend another article to you? I think it's important we understand our own emotional needs and hurts in order to get a little more clarity on the people around us and why they've all of a sudden seemed to have gone haywire.

Stress and anxiety make a person MORE of what they truly are. They're a mirror into the deepest parts of the soul. We ALL operate out of unmet needs and hurts, and out of these hurts, we respond.


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Also, if you care to share...


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I will definitely read it. It has been something else working on the Covid unit and in a hospital the last 2 years. Thank you for your articles and help trying to understand the madness and to help us try to heal our souls.

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Enjoyed the article. BTW, I have never seen a peer reviewed paper that has ever indicated that GMO plants are in any way dangerous for human consumption. It is certain processing of plant materials (GMO and non-GMO) that can lead to foods potentially harmful to humans. So your family members who are “all in” with their opposition to GMOs are actually batting zee-ro when it comes to accuracy of thought.

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Of course you haven't read a peer reviewed paper indicating that GMO plants are in any way dangerous for human consumption. Such is the world we live in when the research is financed by the companies that produce the GMO seeds. Fact: many GMO seeds are created to be able to grow plants that can have the sh%t sprayed out them with Roundup, to kill weeds. The Roundup is now in the GMO crop which we then eat. And that---the glyphosate that's saturating our soils, is what's killing us.

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Again. You essentially seemingly make my point from another perspective. It is not the seed or the plant that is dangerous per se. Rather, it is how it is processed, this time in the field. And the idea that EVERY peer reviewed scientific outlet is bought and paid for is just not honest.

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Awesome article. Thank you.

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Really well-written. I believe that our systems and indoctrination is systemically destroying faith in family, faith and flag. Leaving the barren land ready for Covidmania and such.

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Thank you. It's very systemic and strategic, and it's literally not of this world.


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