I’m prepared to walk away. I already have refused jobs that require a vax mandate. My husband and I try to live within his salary, all of our stuff is paid for. It actually isn’t as hard to push back against corporate mandates IF you can afford to walk away. Many can’t. Employers know they own a significant portion of their employees because most employees live paycheck to paycheck.

One hospital denied my exemption then emailed me about something else. I asked them to stop emailing me as they had refused my exemption and I was effectively no longer employed there. Suddenly my exemption was approved. Another hospital just rejected me entirely due to my refusal. I walked on.

Currently I am wondering if God wants me in healthcare at all so I’m praying about it. If He tells me to go, I will.

I’m afraid of some of the things you mentioned but I’m terrified of living in a pharmaceutical authoritarian state as well. Life isn’t easy but I’m encouraged by all of you on substack who have taught me that my mind is a lot smaller than I used to think.

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Good for you for getting yourself into a position where you have leverage. It's not possible for a lot of us, but for the ones it is, leverage is the tool that we all need right now. Find as much leverage in your life as you possible can, because that leverage frees you to make hard choices a little bit easier.

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Maybe overly dramatic ? We're not all called to be Elliot Ness. And most do not have a platform to seriously carry a message for effective change. Robert F. Kennedy jr. does. Ditto Dr. Mercola, Malone, McCullough, Joe Rogan, etc. So as 'foot soldiers' what's the deal ? I think it's do what we can and stay safe. I think it's real important to avoid 'martyrdom' at all costs. When you become a martyr... you take yourself out of the game. It's important to do what can be done, and then live to carry on the fight another day. Good luck to his all. 'V' for Vendetta...

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Yeah, I agree with FedUpInOR. I'm not saying we're all going to be on literal front lines with bullets, or have to face withering propaganda on CNN.

However, Richie, if you think we AREN'T in the middle of a real, cold, WWIII, then please consider that fact. I'm 44, so I've still got a lot of tread on the tire. But I also have 2 kids that I will fight to the death for to grow up in a world without biomedical tyranny.

They will keep their bodily autonomy. They won't be getting jabbed or forced to. They will not be getting "chipped" or have to submit to some kind of health pass. They will not live under a social credit system. They will be allowed to determine their own destiny, not a destiny created by global monsters who want to control every aspect of their life, of my life, of your life.

There IS an Endgame, and it's coming, and it's relentless. This Covid madness, it's just the wind before the hurricane.


IF we want to live freely, breathe freely, have a say over our own body, and not be trapped in a digital gulag, then short of Christ's return, standing up, forcefully if necessary, is the only way we can become a firewall. It is our responsibility to do everything within our power to beat this darkness back, and if you don't think it's going to cost something, then you're not seeing the picture clearly.

I'm not saying this to disparage you or minimize your opinion. I don't know you, and I'm not in any way interested in attacking you. But I'm not being dramatic. I'm not being hyperbolic or speaking in metaphors. There is a darkness that's coming for every one of us, and that's just facts.

I don't want to be a martyr. I've never had a martyr complex. I'm not calling for martyrdom. I'm calling for people to be brave, right now, right where they are. If they have the eyes to see, they will know the time to sit and hope for normal to return is foolish. And if they are brave, they will do what they can, right now, today, in their own circle, in their own life, to beat that darkness and deception back.

Right now that means taking off a mask or sending food to a trucker or telling a doctor "NO, you will give my loved on the right treatment, and here's the facts." It's going to your school board. It's deciding your job isn't worth the jab.

Because if a significant majority of us don't do this, then the next phase will be, "send me to jail, I'm still speaking my mind." or "I'm going to chose not to eat today because this social credit system is slavery." And then it gets slipperier, and the stakes get higher and higher for those of us that refuse to become slaves.

Again, I'm not attacking. We need to be united, even if we don't fully agree on everything.

But again, I ask you, what are YOU prepared to do?

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Hi... I'm unvaxed and I wear a mask from time to time because the locals are so much happier about that. I know that masks are useless in stopping a virus. I do communicate with others about this. I am very well informed about C-19. I cured myself of 'Delta' using the FLCCC protocols. Ditto for 'Omi' (2 days). I communicate about this with others. Very many people are deeply brainwashed and can't hear what I say. Fine. I'm not going to slam their heads against the wall about this. For me... it's an incremental thing. I do what I can. So in answer too your queries: I agree with your statement about your kids. Have you prepared an exit plan from the USA, if necessary ? I hope you have. I'm 68, retired, now an Artist, without a family or wife. If I had a family, I'd quit my job, sell the house, leave the country, etc., if necessary, to remain clear of these genetic therapies mislabelled vaxxes... and the totalitarianism that accompanies them. I LIVE my beliefs. I communicate to others about them. This is what I do. If necessary, I'll move to Mexico or other safe havens from the insanity. I'm not going to be a canon fodder-foot soldier. I'm not going to DIE 'for the cause'. I will say 'adios MF's' instead and move on. Good Luck Guy ! Good Substack. Keep posting...

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I heard about the trend towards Mexico, which is just so wild to me. I'm no opposed to it. I've looked into Costa Rica too. I am working on contingencies.

However, my intention is to stand and fight, here and now, for as long as I can. One the local, state, and federal level. But I realize I have to be like water...flowing around obstacles, persistent, and powerful when I need to be.

Appreciate the input, as always. Take care of yourself, you keep on truckin' yourself.

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Well I look at it as small acts of courage. Walking into a store maskless when everyone else is wearing one. Trying to model normal life for my young child who has their entire life seen people masked in public. That saddens me and it is NOT normal.

So I push back where I can. Educating people, joining a local movement pushing back against authoritarianism. It’s not martyrdom, but I think the point is that the people pushing this agenda are psychotic and they’re ALL IN, so, as the Bible says ‘consider the cost.’

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Yes...we have to 'pick our spots' to resist and oppose. The enemy is all powerful. But we can still make a difference. The Truckers caught them by surprise. Good. Strength in numbers. These are perilous times. Resist, oppose... but be careful not to become a martyr. Absolutely, push back where we can. Yes ! A challenge. But I see it as the way to go. Good Luck ! Hope we make it to the other side soon...

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There is strength in numbers, but the strongest and most reliable number is the number 1. If 1 person will stand, you can often get a second to join you, then two more, then four more....but it all starts with 1. You might goes days or weeks or months just being a 1, but you never know when you will inspire a 2.


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