There's going to be a defining moment when the 'leaders' are desperate to forget covid but the people will still be in the trance. What happens after that is going to be VERY VERY interesting. Will the people realize they've been lied to this whole time, or will they continue believing the narrative that's since been abandoned?

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I believe that 30% of people will remain radicalized and stay in Covidstan fa-evs. 40% have mush brain and will go wherever the laser pointer of the media is telling them. I think this will always be the case. That middle might sway a bit - like we're seeing right now - and that's encouraging, because it means there's a large chunk of POTENTIAL that we can continue to work with. We need to keep shouting the truth, far and wide.

The problem, as I see it, is that free speech is the next disease that must be eradicated ASAP, as you and I have been talking about. David seems to have shouted as loud, and now louder, than Goliath. But Goliath, man, he's a beast, and he's going to shout back even harder, punch back with all his might, and that means going for David's throat and crushing the wind pipe.

The ONLY reason Covidstan has started to falter is because Berenson, Malone, Rogan, etc, have been allowed to keep speaking, even after they were rerouted in some cases. Moving forward, that simply won't be allowed to happen.

DHS memo, case in point.

So IDK. Again, I want to be optimistic. If David continues to have a voice somehow, then David can beat back Goliath. If not, and his voice is silenced, then into the void we plunge and there won't be any ability to scream from there.

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It's already happening. The announcements of walking back restrictions on social media are being met, in the majority, with howls of outrage from people who never want to take their masks off, never want this to end, believe in Zero Covid Forever because they desperately crave civilization to be forever altered into a form that validates their mental illness.

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Except that continuing howls of outrage - which is all, really that these people can do - autistic screaming - get tiresome after a while for normal people. And that middle, they're the normals, and they're beginning to have a backlash against the woke nonsense. This backlash is the bellwether...

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An interesting part of this (to me), looking at it as a power dynamic divorced from my personal feelings about the actors involved, is that there has (IMO) been a consistent overestimation by the DNC specifically about the power and impact of the shrill, woke minority. And it's really hurting them at the polls, and I'm surprised that they're surprised.

When you consider how closely wedded they are to our intelligence community, you'd think they'd be a little better at estimating these things.

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I’m sorry about your Uncle Mike

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Thank you. I wasn't super close, and he wasn't the greatest guy, but the pressure and depression caused him to drink himself to death, and that's a death by despair that will never be diagnosed, talked about, or given justice for.

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The fight has just started. The Revolutionary War lasted 7 years, after all.

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Oh, we're in the infancy. But make no mistake, this IS WWIII. Right now it's a soft war, but it's getting hotter by the day.

If we don't recognize that this isn't hyperbole, this isn't a metaphor, then we should just pack it in. If we DO actually get this, then we might have a chance.


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4th Turning. Information warfare. Call it what you will. Canadian truckers got it right.

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God bless those beautiful truckers. I was one for 7 years, still have my class B. It's a hearty, unique lot...a truly amazing subculture. In another post, one of my commenters likened them to the riders of Rohan from Lord of the Rings, the Rohirrim. I like that analogy.

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My dad was a trucker for 20 years. The finest man I’ve ever known (he passed last year). When I see those truckers I see my father and my heart and pride swells.

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That's tragic and beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

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