"Greater good" is another one of those mind-worms that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Whose good, and who decides that? Is it good because an unelected civil servant and the most hysterical scientist they could dig up decide it?

Doesn't sound very good to me.

It makes for fine slogans, though.

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EXACTLY. It's arbitrary, subjective, and volatile. It's the mob's will, and we all know the mob is a vampire. I want NO part of that greater good. I'll decide my own greater good, thank you.

If we really could build good citizens who understood civics, ethics, and eternal principles, instead of flailing around like drowning people looking for the next lifeline, maybe we could get somewhere with greater good.

At that point, you understand that personal responsibility, and part of being responsible IS caring for others. It IS giving back to your community, your church, etc., as you can and as you are lead. Individuals doing this across the world, would create the change we want to see. But you only do that when you as a human are fulfilled, at peace, and out of the individual gift, talents, ideas, and abundance you've been allowed to create for yourself, gifted through your Creator.

Seems like some old guys in 1776 in the US wrote something about this or something.

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Yup.. reminds me of this quote: “Before you act for the greater good, you should know what is great and what is good." -Jeffrey Fry

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by BHerr

Great article! Yes, adult humans have been deliberately infantilized. It’s disgusting. And horrifying. Not just that they’ve done this using a vast array of subtle and overt techniques, but even worse is that we let it happen.

At the same time they continue to deliberately torture children by keeping them from having a regular childhood, all while twisting and warping their understanding of reality on a vast array of levels. This, even more than the relentless attacks on those of us who should know better, makes my blood boil.

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Thank you.

Nerfed from a young age. Coddled and protected from real life. Gen X, my generation, while still having a lot of sharp edges, has reverted back to the children who's parents were the helicopters always hovering. The minute we felt the wind from those rotors, we scurried back onto our little rugs, like good little tikes.

We've now also completely poisoned the future, as these kids coming up now have no chance. They're going to be possibly the largest, most damaged generation humanity has ever seen.

God help us.

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I am VERY glad that your rebellious streak gave you an excellent armour against the lies ("narrative") that we are being fed with such horrible consistency these days (as you explained so well). In fact, given the horrendous brain-washing ("mass formation") that is so common-place about the Covid Scam, even you might have fell for some of the genocidal lies that we are being fed.

Just a FYI, I live in BC Canada. Before Covid, and partly due to other lies, FEntanyl killed about 1400 people per year from drug overdoses. In 2020, the number jumped to over 2000 due to the open stores for Marijuana and Alcohol and despair mostly caused by isolation. The "official number" of "Covid deaths" (exaggerated) was 500 people in BC. So, even ignoring the huge spike in suicides and deferred medical treatments (fear of going to hospitals, etc.), the "cure" (HA) for Covid was worse than the disease!! Also, NOT a SINGLE mention of increasing vitamin D dosages to combat Covid even though the fact that high vitamin D levels in the blood were a proven remedy to Covid even as early as February 2020.

I am quite cynical about this. I truly believe that ALL of this was WELL understood by the decision makers at the beginning of the "Scamdemic". They WANTED to kill lots of people as well as to enslave the rest. As you have pointed out before, it is a Satanic agenda - not suprising.

Of course Gates and the rest hardly cover up the fact that they want to "lower the population" (genocide). All of us "eaters" are too tough to control in our billions.

It is actually war, just not the type of war we are used to. It is a propaganda (mostly) and biowar and soon to be expanded to include a cyberwar (again with tonnes of propaganda). So Yes, it is enslave (and treat like children) most of the population who will be controlled and kill the rest. It is war and we should be ready to act like our lives and the lives of our loved ones depend upon our actions - because they do!!

Keep up the great posts and buy physical gold and improve your nutrition!

Ian in Vancouver

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Ian, I always love your comments. So much to think about in them.

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Thank-you very much indeed. I almost lost my 2nd daughter in 1993 due to the "mistakes" of modern medicine (gross overdosing of antibiotics). She is 5 days overdue for the birth of her first son today. She is the healthiest of my kids now. In 1993, as I held her night after night as she writhed in agony from the horrible effects of gross anti-biotic overdosage and as she wanted to hit her head against the wall to distract her from the agony in the gut, I cried in pain in sympathy with her. This went on night after night as I became angrier and angrier and even more determined to find out WHY. I am a chemist and a rebel (like you) and a very determined person to start with. I DID find out why. It was the "yeast syndrome" caused by the destruction of friendly gut bacteria (by the antibiotics) and the gross overgrowth of candida albicans leading to asthma and gross digestive disorders and allergies to nearly everything.

We cured her with yeast/sugar abstinence, probiotics and nystatin for a week to kill the yeast overdosage. The asthma stopped in a week and she slept again as a normal child. I cannot tell you how grateful I was to God for saving my daughter.

Of course, this changed my life in a profound way. I become MUCH more circumspect about medical advice and I began to research nutritional healing in a VERY serious way. IT IS the way to go! There are SO many maladies that can be cured with proper nutrition! Even the Covid scam has improved that knowledge level. For example, did you know that excess protein consumption can cause cancer?? That is because there is a hugely important mechanism in the body to destroy and reuse the destroyed tissue called the "Autophagy Process". One of the end products of this process is urea (urine). If you eat too much protein, the autophagy process converts the excess protein to urea, HOWEVER, this limits your capacity to do the same for cancer cells. The "Autophagy Diet" (mercola) is as follows to enhance/optimize the Autophagy process:

1) Reduce animal protein (particularly dairy) and substitute with good fats such as avocado, nuts (almond, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, etc.), fish oil. This increases the autophagy capacity and also reduces it use to process the surplus protein (double Whammy)

2) Sweat at LEAST 3 times a week, especially with exercise. The most important toxin removal process in the body is through sweat (especially for the large molecules that are difficult for the liver to process all the way to urea)

3) Intermittent fasting of 14-16 hours per day. NO FOOD, but lots of water and tea. If you are fasting, you are aren't eating protein or carbs and the body (liver, etc.) can more easily process the surplus from the rest of the day

4) Increase vitamin D consumption to as much as 3000-5000 iu (0.08 to 0.12 mg) per day in oil to improve the immune system

5) At least 25 mg of zinc per day (glycinate, gluconate, citrate, ascorbate, forms)

MASSIVE improvement in my life since I adopted this diet. EVERYONE should. Covid as a disease would be irrelevant. Mine lasted for 24 hours in APril 2020.

So the harm that my daughter suffered in 1993 REALLY improved my life (and hers). Sometimes (often) we need hardship to learn!

Hope that this helps you.

Ian in Vancouver

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this also happened to my son when he was 4. i knew in my gut the doctors weren’t going to fix what they broke (a month of being poisoned from antibiotics- his lymph were so swollen he couldn’t move and his skin was burning off his body we couldn’t even touch him😭) meeting with the 3rd boggled specialist dr- her big solution was to get crisco and rub him down with it. i told her i prefer coconut oil (personally shocked that they even still make crisco!?🤣) and she said “no we don’t know what’s in it.” 😂🤯 a student that was studying our son’s charts came in right on queue after this and asked the doctor to consider that he’s having severe allergic reaction to the antibiotics and i grabbed her and hugged her- the dr was PISSED. we walked out and will only go to a hospital if we need something sewn back on! i hope that student went on to become a naturopath ❤️‍🩹

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and i’m glad your daughter got her life back! hopefully she has surrounded herself with knowledgeable and capable people to aid her new child💝☺️

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If slaves were more productive than 'free' people, the 'leaders' would have us in chains and not think twice. To them we are just numbers on a spreadsheet, infinitely interchangeable.

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"Case in point: this scumbag" - made my day!

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Haha, glad I could help. Truth hurts...but it can be really funny. I've gotta get back over to your stack and show some love soon.

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There's a lot to unpack in what you wrote. Factory schools, aka indoctrination centers, are where the propaganda & doublespeak start.

The sugar metaphor is spot on. Within 24 hours of sugar consumption, at least in lab rats, the hypothalamus starts changing its regulatory rhythms. Sugar is at the root of the mental dystopia all around us.

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The sugar/dystopia link is really on point. It's amazing how many things, variables, have come into play to start the quick decent into the abyss, and you're right, actual processed sugar, in some crazy way, has a lot to do with that.

The bottom line is, we're so disconnected with everything that's good and natural for us and so consumed with the sugars and pills of the world. It's completely flipped. And it's never been more true, as we've seen the crunchiest granola people become the most strident "get the jab" soldiers.


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This fits well with what I just read at https://www.hennessysview.com/p/why-shame-affects-men-more-than-women

The woke media keeps shaming, demeaning, and needling men. It's an obsession with them.

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Yeah, you've gotta tear down men to reconfigure society. That's a good idea for a post, thank you. I'll check that article out too.

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Ease. What they have sone to men in this countey is despucable.

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even though we grew up in different countries we had similar upbringings and attitudes


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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Author

Hahaha, that video! Great lyrics. Is that you?

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i wish i was that talented

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Thanks for another great and thought provoking article. As NanaW states below, we have been deliberately infantalised.. to become part of the collective.. the ground down, rounded down, lowest common denominator non thinking morons... according to our "communitarian" betters.. the ones that set "policy" and agendas, or more like follow agendas. Where people are told to define themselves by what they like to have sex with.. as the basis of their "higher self" and their being.. The lowering of the soul, the lowering of the purpose for our lives and the crushing of individual thought, action and relevance... where all becomes hive minded "acceptable" norms.. Like you say, the child given the little mat to sit on.. we have all been forced to become that child again.. I refuse.. i never stay on my mat, in my lane and have always been like this.. We have to keep calling this out.. we are being deliberately androgynised and yes, there is a highly spiritual, dark and luciferic element to this. Some call it satanic, I would agree with that too. Just look to what is banned from being published on most social media platforms? Cheers WingLady.

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I flunked put of a very expensive nursery school after 3 days because i wouldnt take a damn nap. My mom never got her money back. I still wont bed down with strangers

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I turned off my tv in Aug '20 for good. Between C & the election I couldn't stomach it. Cold turkey works best...

Last spring, our local supermarket had just put down brand new circles & arrows when the gov announced masks for unvaxxed; no masks for vaxxed. And the supermarket stood up to her! No. We will not police this. We cannot afford to. She backed down & the next week, they ripped up all the circles, arrows & other signage. A single sign is in the entrance that the gov recommends everyone mask.

Other than the masking & covidians being insane, I've been pretty unaffected.

A decent worship radio station found me on my garage radio (where my angora bunnies live) & I started tuning into that & reading. That station started to decline in quality & then lost power on Christmas Eve. On New Years Day, I set out to find, after a week of nothing but static, *something* to listen to & lo & behold, in my house I found a local worship station that I like much better. I just like the sound, the message is a bonus.

I stopped twittering except occasionally to mock 1 elite ahole or another. Until last week when somebody was upset by my welcome message to nazi bitch Adern & I was locked out ,😁 My only regret us it wasn't more creative 🤷

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.... or novacane for the brain?

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