It’s official: we have entered a new age of the world order.
For over 200 years, our brilliant experiment has survived and thrived due to the separation of powers. Our founders knew that the best way to truly give power to the individual citizens was to make a central government that was clunky, divided, spread as far apart from each other as possible, and had more checks and balances than anything the world had ever known.
Our government was intentionally set up for gridlock.
Our founders religiously studied - and experienced - top down governance from the beginning of time, and what they found was that when power was centralized in the hands of the few at the top, the masses suffered. When the masses are empowered as individuals, the potential for human flourishing expands exponentially. When the rulers and centralized systems are empowered, human flourishing is all but destroyed except for a few blessed and chosen ones.
For as long as I can remember, the lament over “gridlock in D.C.” by politicians and pundits on the news has been a thing. Every time we hear that (which, if you notice, we hear less and less), we, the citizen, should rejoice. And then, the very next thing that we the citizen should have been doing is to ask ourselves this question: “what is MY responsibility to myself, my family, my community, and this country to help push this gridlock in a way that promotes the most human flourishing?”
Tragically, myself included, the vast majority of us glanced up from dinner at the TV and said “Hmm, whatever. Pass the potatoes, please. The big game’s coming on soon.”
Even more tragically, there have been a very small but powerful minority who’ve seen the same thing and said “it’s go time.” Starting in the mid-19th century, and then gaining massive steam during the early 20th century, these people realized we the people were abstaining from rushing to fill the void, and since nature abhors a vacuum, they gladly rushed to fill it. They realized Bueller was absent, and so they began to do the work Bueller should have been doing.
Incoming! Lobbyists
When the Constitution was crafted by Framers such as James Madison, their intent was to design a governmental system in which powerful interest groups would be rendered incapable of subduing the general will. According to Madison, a faction was "a number of citizens, whether amounting to a minority or majority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community." Madison considered factions as dangerous, since they threatened to bring about tyranny if their control became too great. Madison, writing in the Federalist Papers, suggested that factions could be thwarted by requiring them to compete with other factions, and therefore the powerful force of one faction could be counteracted by another faction or factions.[2] Today, the term "special interest" has often been equated with Madison's sense of "faction". In addition, the Constitution sought to protect other freedoms, such as free speech. - Wikipedia
However, a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1952 - Rumely v. United States - opened the doors wide to lobbying and special interests, and in doing so, changed the landscape of American politics forever.
Emergency Powers = Unfettered Legislation
Another tool that the powers-that-be have used to fill the void left by we the people is what we now all lovingly (sarcasm font alert) know as “Emergency Powers.”
As many of us know, both of the primary Covid “vaccines” - Pfizer and Moderna - CONTINUE to be dosed out through Emergency Use Authorization.
Through emergency powers, much of the world was - and continues to be - locked down or severely restricted. Even after it was clear there was no longer and emergency, politicians and bureaucrats re-upped their powers, because, why not? That power is like main veining the most intoxicating of drugs, so why not take another hit of it? It just skirts so many of the pesky problems that come with, you know, traditional Constitutional governance.
Relying on these magical emergency powers, President Biden’s meat suit pressured the entire nation to adopt and enact vaccine mandates that destroyed countless lives and companies. The US Military Industrial Complex continues to enforce this mandate as of today.
The Patriot Act, which has become possibly the greatest power grab of privacy and individual rights for the common citizen in US history, was passed just 45 days after 9/11.
And the beat goes on. One of the cool tricks of these powers is that whatever legislation does come from the fog, is rarely, if ever, rolled back. Even if some of this muck does get reverted in Team Freedom’s favor, the cultural and societal after-effects tend to become cemented and normalized.
Lobbyists + Emergency Powers = Full Capture
One of my favorite cartoons as a kid was “Transformers”. Watching these alien vehicles and machines that crashed to earth (oddly in the form of vehicles EXACTLY like earth’s current ones - Bumblebee, anyone?) change from robot to F-16 and back again was so fascinating. What was even better was when Transformers introduced the mega-bots - BIGGER robots that formed from the combined powers of several individual machines.
Oh, good times.
It was most likely someone that had watched the Transformers - maybe even this exact episode - who said “know what would be a good idea? Let’s combine emergency powers with the lobbyists, and we’ll create such a devastating machine that will absolutely CRUSH the little people! Destructacons, combine!” I’m pretty sure that’s how this capture of all institutions happened. In fact, I think some of those angry revolutionary hippies from the 60s who firebombed police stations (and blew themselves up occasionally in the process) went forward in time, saw this episode, and came up with the realization that instead of fighting against the system, they needed to become the system. “Damn the man” became “Become the man!”
Joking aside, the full-on institutional capture as we see it today happened through the combination of big money donations and influence from mega-corporations, constant “emergencies”, and relentless litigation propelled by these interests, at every judicial level possible. The commoner became hypnotized with wealth, fame, comfort, entertainment, and the good ole-fashioned pursuit of happiness, and in the process, we abdicated our right and responsibility to govern ourselves and demand a government of, for, and by the people. We allowed the “consent of the governed” maxim to become “consent of the government”. We the people allowed the vacuum to form, and what’s been allowed to codify within that vacuum is a hostile take-over of everything that we once believed in and held dear.
Politics In Its Current Form is Dead
Not too long ago, there still existed some hope - however small - that within the slimy filth chambers of politics, some equilibrium could be maintained. I would argue that if the last 29 months have shown us anything, it’s that the evidence we’ve been given demands that we declare that notion dead and buried. With a very few notable exceptions, the idea that some politician or party is going to rise up and take a stand for the common rabble has become starkly absurd.
I don’t care what shirt you wear, whether it has a D, R, I, or something else. The reality is that there is indeed a train, and that train is indeed speeding towards a destination, and guess what? You’re not on it. Or maybe you are, but you’re in the waayyyy back where your food is cockroaches - er, I mean “protein blocks”.
As it currently stands, the politicians are simply puppets. Again, we’ve known this to some degree for a long time, but the reality of this has never been more clear. The special interests backing these politicians are simply too powerful now. Globalists are more entrenched into our laws, our money, our culture and our education than ever before, and they are exerting every ounce of power and influence they have over politics possible.
Politicians are generally very unremarkable people. They’re mediocre at best. They may start out with some fire and some character, but inevitably, the power structures they are claiming to fight against and the causes they claim to fight for are no match for the institutionalized cancers. The promise of kickbacks, insider knowledge, bribes, and being “in the club” are too much for most to resist. The fear of losing the relatively pathetic power they’ve been given is strong.
The reality is, none of the “teams” care about YOU at all. In fact, they despise you, because let’s face it - you can be difficult. You get in the way. They come and sleep with you at election time, get out of bed, clean themselves off, and then tell you you’re a whore on the way out the door as they catch their train back to the capitol. They drunk text you at midnight every once in a while to tell you they think you’re sexy, and you fall for it, again and again. They fuck you, and then they fuck you. They just don’t care about you at all unless it brings them gratification.
Remember this gem from one of my favorite real-life ghouls, Lori Lightfoot?
Or how about the attitude of the True North Strong and Free towards it’s people?
If you’re still putting any hope in “politics as usual”; if you’re still hoping that “red or blue wave will save us”; if you’re still clinging to the notion that any of these people represent you, then I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news.
The reality of politics in the United States in 2022 is that if you truly believe that the politicians you elect give even one small, itsy-bitsy tiny fuck about the Constitutional principles and individual freedoms that you still hold dear, you’re believing in an era that simply doesn’t exist anymore on the macro scale.
A Bit Of Hope and Strategy
Now, that said, I haven’t 100% given up on the political system here in the US. As long as the Constitution and our Bill of Rights continues to exists, we have a chance. I believe the Federalism structure could and should be radically engaged. Seeing a state like Florida continually give the middle finger to Washington D.C. is hopeful. If a strategic movement - literal and figurative - took place, a substantial shift is still possible. Once again, if the people understood the power that they have - and have the conviction to live what they claim to believe - then there’s a real chance that the balance of power can shift back towards freedom. We still have some moves to make before the complete chokehold is in place.
I would HIGHLY recommend listening to this Steve Deace commentary (52 minutes in) on the power that we still have to exert in a way that, if executed properly, very well may be the back door we need to save ourselves. At the very least, it could buy us some real time.
The TL/DR version is this:
If you’re in the US and you’re in a state that’s completely captured by Team Woke/Stay Safe/WEF, like California or New York, you need to move to a state that isn’t. Not just move, but move and be active. If you remain in one of these captured states, you’re simply funding the demise and destruction of everything you claim to oppose.
He illustrates that Trump “lost” by a total of less than 160,000 votes TOTAL between 5 states (AZ, PA, GA, WI, and one more I can’t remember right now). If you’re in a state like California, which had 6 million people vote for Trump and Trump still lost by nearly 30 points, then you literally threw your vote away. Take that vote into a battleground state, perhaps like mine, which is PA.
I’m not advocating for Trump. What I’m illustrating and agree with Deace on is that if we keep playing things the way we are, we have zero shots left. If we’re still more comfortable yelling at clouds about changing the system while giving our money and votes to a state that is gone to Team Insanity than we are about putting a “For Sale” sign in the yard and moving to one that isn’t, we lose. You lose. I lose.
I know it’s a long-shot. But at this point, what other play do you and I have while our Constitution still actually exists?
If you’re outside the US, this offer is extended to you as well. Move here. Go through the process, get your citizenship, and start affecting change.
“Gee, that sounds uncomfortable and inconvenient.”
Know what else does? Social Credit. “Health” or “climate" emergency restrictions and mandates. (Oh, hello Switzerland). Having a conversation with our kids that no, in fact, I’m not racist just because I’m white. Or that there’s only two biological genders. Or explaining to an IRS or FBI agent that I’m not a domestic terrorist just because I voted for a particular party.
We must understand that politics as we know it is dead. We are now facing a religious war. The Woke/Globalist/Biotech Medical Industrial complex is a religion that uses politics as one arm of the hydra, but politics are NOT the hydra. The hydra is for real, and the hydra is 100% dedicated to their cause. If we don’t get this down into the very fabric of our DNA - and then take wildly inconvenient and uncomfortable actions of our own based on what we say are our convictions - there’s no shot. Their level of conviction is clear. Everything we’ve seen over the last 29 months is what their new definition of “democracy” looks like, and it’s a big NAW FOR ME DAWG.
The time has come - and is quickly going - for us to decide if we’re going to match that conviction.
My life, my fortune, my sacred honor. I unconditionally revoke my consent.
Here in Miami, a core of less than 200 concerned and dedicated parents stood up against the unconstitutional dictates of the Miami Dade County school board.
First against closures, then against masking and the vile experimental serum mandates. We went door to door in our neighborhoods. We raised the local population of parents to protest outside the home doors of those who would poison our children by dictate. After assuring these heinous acts would never be imposed. We ran against them in our local elections and seated a majority on the board.
The answer is the children.
When people can see (or can be made to see) an existential threat against their children’s future, they will stand up.
I saw this
I was part of this awakening.
I know in my heart it’s the reason I
Am here.
I will not rest nor turn aside from this sacred duty.
A school board may seem like a small thing to those who focus on national politics, but, when you consider that our children will have to exist in the world we knowingly leave for them, it’s not.
Our actions today will decide whether or not they will live as slaves or free peoples.
Waste not the small space of time you have been graced.
they wont let me in to 'merica cos i aint jabbed
im not sure i'd want to anymore, you guys seem to be on a faster track than us Brits